416Sophia Loren allows the public to have a complete image of her incredible physical appeal while she pulls off an extraordinary comedic timing As DVDTalk notes The voluptuous Loren was gorgeous and her appeal as one of cinema's great timeless beauties is obvious She was also an incredible actress and for as sensual as the dance may be she sticks the landing with perfect comic timing Ieri oggi domani Yesterday Today and Tomorrow is really a showcase for her many talents and though there are connective traits between all three of her characters they each require different dramatic touches Marcello s characters are certainly weakened by Loren s feminine wiles The main female characters always maintain complete control of the action and there s no actress like Loren to do that She creates three intriguing characters as she combines her versatile range as an actress comedic touches of her own which can be shown by a simple nuanced glance and of course her physical attributes She can perfectly pull off the humility of the poor and the arrogance of the rich so it s beyond argument that the way she plays with boundaries in extraordinary And last but not least we ve got Matrimonio all italiana Vittorio de Sica 1964 In this film the action takes place in Naples during World War II Sophia Loren plays the role of a beautiful young woman named Filomena Marturano She works in a brothel since she cannot find another way to make a living There is where she meets Domenico Soriano a well off bourgeois
This film marks the highest point of Loren as an actress and it s a perfect way to show the splendor of Sophia who after La ciociara Vittorio de Sica 1960 a film that earned Loren an Academy Award for best actress chose when and whom she wanted to act with In Matrimonio all italiana she exploits her most powerful version as a courageous actress and at the same time she shows her feminine exuberance that led her to become an erotic myth of the 20th century Sophia shows here once again her versatility both in drama and comedy we can see fragility and deep suffering in her character She communicates with the viewer not so much with the word but with her facial expressions and gestures She pierces the scene and this is perhaps the reason why her characters are memorable III Conclusion As we have seen in this essay Sophia Loren was a great diva of the European cinema and the prototype of what we call Mediterranean beauty but also a woman who knew how to walk the path that led her to be considered one of the most important actresses in the history of cinema not only because of her overwhelming physique but because of her presence character and majesty in front of the cameras She is a unique actress who succeeded on both sides of the Atlantic Many people who consider Sophia Loren their favourite female star single out her beauty her fisico she's known as a bellezza italiana referring to the Italian or Southern European nature of her beauty But Loren has much more than her beauty to offer
When it comes to Loren s performance and acting style reference is always made to her naturalness authenticity and spontaneity her ability to interpret every character she is given is extraordinary the perception of the star that we get through her promotion in magazines and the idea that there is a real person behind that makes her connect with the audience So besides being a great international diva she first reveals her femininity a woman at the age of eighty who has not only been able to create an important trajectory as an actress but who knows how to balance her career and her family This is why Sophia Loren is one of us why we see her as a role model and someone to look up to but in the same way she gives hope because the shy girl who grew up in Pozzuoli has become a great celebrity In my opinion her performance is so good and the characters she plays are so full of truth naturalness and sensuality that she completely manages to make a particularly hypersexualized and spectacular femininity seem natural authentic and desirable