342This war involved air power and bombing of towns The war ended when the republicans surrendered and there was a huge loss of life up to a million to be exact and everything was ruined They were already falling far behind and now they were even further behind their european neighbors Spain s government now is a parliamentary democracy Spain s head of state is King Felipe VI who replaces his father Juan Carlos ll in 2014 and Juan came to the throne in 1975 upon the death of the dictator franco who restored the monarchy before his passing The capital of Spain is Madrid as of 2016 the population is 46 56 billion people Most of the people living in spain are spanish with romas being the most minority group in Spain today And spanish is the only official national language in Spain but in some parts people speak Catalan Galician and basque Nearly the entire population of spain is catholic Spain's form of money is considered Euros one euro in spain is equivalent to a dollar and twenty two cents here in America So they're money value is just a little bit higher than ours Spain's GDP is 26 528 49 since recorded in 2016 The Gross Domestic Product GDP in Spain was worth 1232 09 billion US dollars in 2016 The GDP value of Spain represents 1 99 percent of the world economy GDP averaged 527 15 USD Billion from 1960 until 2016 reaching an all time high of 1634 99 USD Billion in 2008 and a record low of 12 07 USD Billion in 1960 tradingeconomics com The suffrage age in Spain is 18 years which makes them able to vote The chief of state is Mariano Rajoy Brey who is referred to as the Prime Minister and was elected on December 21st 2011 Spain is a parliamentary constitutional monarchy
The life of people in spain is a little different from here in America They eat later than we do by a few hours Their lunch is the biggest meal of the day and their supper is a lighter meal They have a long break during the day that could last between 2 5 hours where the streets are not as busy and most businesses are closed With a few exceptions including bars restaurants and big corporations which do not close mid day Bars are open all day and it is custom to go there for a snack before meals Their most popular tapas dishes are mushrooms in garlic sauce marinated seafood Spanish omelette lamb brochettes and octopus in paprika sauce Spaniards commonly drink wine and beer with their meals Spain is just another one of many countries that are just like us but with their own twist on things They have strengths and weaknesses and current world problems just like everyone else Unemployment is a huge problem for everyone in Spain the jobless rate is 22 8 percent the highest in the industrialized world Nearly half of spain's youth is unemployed and since education is so expensive the other half that do work only make 640 euros 900 cash a month they end up living with their parents until they are in their mid thirties and can provide for themselves One of spain's greatest strengths is its long and proud history combine with rich cultural traditions of its people There is an impressive growth with stubborn employment after years of making cuts Spain's economy has registered 14 consecutive quarters of growth This year exceeded the expectations and is now the fastest growing economy But what tempors this is the unemployment rate but there is suspicion that the recent improvement is due to temporary not full time jobs The spanish economy will need more quarters of growth to bring their figure down After receiving a reprieve from a financial penalty last year the government will have to and most likely achieve a budget deficit under 3 1 of GDP in 2017