324Only data which will help to detect whether it is spam or normal email must be used i e useless data must be removed and take data which would improve results Train and Test This data will be trained using 80 of training set and tested using 20 of the training set Automated Braking Automated Braking may be part of a whole system Automated driving or an independent part where only braking is automated Brake Assist How will you choose the right algorithm Braking is not like either full braking 100 and coming to stop or no braking 0 at all Braking have multiple values which may be applied according to the present scenario Hence regression is the best machine learning algorithm for automated braking Here the braking system will use input sensors for detecting signals where full brake will be applied to bring vehicle to standstill while for other cases where an obstacle comes say like speed braker road bumps where the vehicle should be brought under a certain speed only etc Write in detail about the different steps that you will perform to develop the machine learning algorithm Collect Data Data is collected from manufacturer about braking etc for accuracy Analyze Data Study parameters and their relations that affect braking of a vehicle like speed type of brake braking power type of surface road type of tyre friction value etc Prepare Data Dataset in the form of regression tree or CART where various factor mentioned above with value ranges and the target output as how much braking would be needed