363State the primary function of the endocrine system in the human body The endocrine system contains endocrine glands that are responsible for producing and secreting hormones to maintain homeostasis and regulate growth metabolism and sexual development 2 Explain the role each of the following plays in the endocrine system NO Definitions i Hormones Hormones main role is to be a messenger sent through the bloodstream to different organs tissues or cells to control the functions our bodies complete in everyday life ii Hypothalamus The hypothalamus is extremely important in that it is responsible for sending signals to the pituitary gland This includes the control of body temperature hunger thirst emotional feedback and the release of the six anterior pituitary hormones as well as the two posterior pituitary hormones iii Anterior pituitary The role of the anterior pituitary is to release six main hormones FSH LH ACTH TSH Prolactin and GH These hormones play huge roles in sexual function growth stress reactions homeostasis breastfeeding and aging iv Posterior Pituitary
The role of the posterior pituitary is to release two hormones called ADH and Oxytocin ADH is responsible for water retention where Oxytocin is responsible for engaging uterine contractions before childbirth Do Number 3 on Separate Sheet 3 Compile a table showing components of the endocrine system location secretion s and principal function s of each organ gland Include hypothalamus anterior lobe of pituitary gland posterior lobe of pituitary gland pineal gland thymus gland follicular cells of thyroid gland C cells calcitonin or parafollicular cells of thyroid gland parathyroid glands adrenal medulla adrenal cortex alpha cells of pancreatic islet beta cells of pancreatic islet delta cells of pancreatic islet ovaries and testes 4Explain type 1 Diabetes Mellitus and type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus is hereditary and is the least common form of diabetes only affecting about 5 10 of diabetics A person born with type 1 DM may not show symptoms until later on in life If the person contracts a specific virus the body creates antibodies that in turn destroy beta cells Once most of these beta cells are destroyed the insulin levels drop resulting in hyperglycemia and at this point the diabetes is usually diagnosed Most people with type 1 are diagnosed before 30 years old This form of diabetes is regulated with insulin shots and meal regulation
Adrenocorticotropic hormone ACTH 5 Prolactin PRL 6 Growth Hormone GH Posterior Pituitary 1 Antidiuretic hormone ADH 2 Oxytocin OT 6 Describe medical problems associated with endocrine disorders of the Thyroid gland Hypothyroidism is a well known disorder of the thyroid resulting from low amounts of TH being released This can cause inflammation water retention dry skin fatigue aches depression and even menstrual issues Hyperthyroidism is the opposite where excess amounts of TH are released This can cause anxiety fast heart rate sweating tremors fatigue and weight loss An endemic goiter is a visible swelling in the neck area caused from the lack of iodine The low amount of iodine causes TH to cease and TSH secretion to increase This in turn results in the build up of thyroglobulin in the thyroid gland resulting in a goiter Adrenal gland Cushing syndrome is an example of an adrenal gland disorder caused by excess amounts of cortisol being secreted