Essay Example on Steven Allan Spielberg Biography, Career








Steven Allan Spielberg Steven Allan Spielberg was born on December 18 1946 in Cincinnati Ohio He was born to Leah Adler and Arnold Spielberg Leah Steven's mother was a concert pianist and restaurateur Arnold Steven s father was an electrical engineer His parents practiced Orthodox Judaism Steven was the first child in his family but not for long In 1949 Steven became an older brother to Anne Spielberg When Steven was about five years old he and his family moved to Haddon Township New Jersey In 1953 Steven and his family moved again this time to Phoenix Arizona Also in 1953 Steven was introduced to his newest little sister Sue Spielberg Adding to the excitement Steven started Hebrew school Because of his family s religious practices Steven often faced bullying and discrimination Nancy Spielberg was the last addition to the Spielberg family born in 1956 Steven attended Hebrew school until 1957 In 1958 Steven joined the Boy Scouts and received a photography merit badge from making a nine minute film with his father s movie camera titled The Last Gunfight One year later at age 13 Steven won a prize for a war film he directed called Escape to Nowhere Steven wrote and directed Firelight his first feature length film in 1964 Steven went to Arcadia High School in Phoenix until he and his family moved again this time to Saratoga California He then attended Saratoga High School During high school Steven s parents divorced After Steven graduated in 1965 he stayed with his father and they moved to Los Angeles Steven applied to the University of Southern California School of Cinema Arts but was rejected Steven then applied to California State University Long Beach and was accepted

He majored in English since California State did not have a film program During college Steven worked as an intern for Universal Studios He wrote and directed Amblin a 26 minute film while interning at Universal The director of television operations for Universal Studios Sidney J Sheinberg was asked to watch Amblin by Steven s friend and was very impressed Steven was given a contract and then dropped out of college in 1969 to continue with his filmmaking career Steven was hired to direct a part of the pilot episode for Night Gallery which was his first professional television job He then managed to impress Universal with his first feature length assignment an episode of The Name of the Game called L A 2017 Shortly after that Steven signed a contract to direct four films for Universal His first television movie was Duel which he directed in 1971 Steven s first major film that identified him as a potentially famous director was The Sugarland Express though it was not very successful in the box offices But nobody cared because his next film was a big success and established him as a major director

That film was Jaws and it was one of Steven s best films along with being one of the highest grossing films ever made Steven greatly benefited from his success becoming very wealthy Steven moved to a mansion in an area called Coldwater Canyon near Beverly Hills Good things were happening in Steven s private life as well In 1976 he met actress Amy Irving and they soon began dating Then came Close Encounters of the Third Kind in 1977 a science fiction movie Steven earned his first Academy Award nomination for Best Director for the film In between Close Encounters of the Third Kind and Steven s next hit he produced his first film I Wanna Hold Your Hand and directed 1941 which was a disappointment 1979 wasn t a very good year for Steven Along with his disappointing movie he and Amy Irving his girlfriend became engaged but broke up a few months later Steven didn t let that get him down though In 1981 Steven and George Lucas worked together on Raiders of the Lost Ark the first movie in the Indiana Jones film series Steven was the director and George was the executive producer Raiders of the Lost Ark returned Steven to his place as a top director He also received his second Academy Award nomination for Best Director Steven s following film would be remembered for years to come Steven s next film was E T the Extraterrestrial in 1982 It won multiple Academy Awards nominations and four Oscars Steven was also awarded the United Nations Peace Medal for his creation of E T Not only was E T one of Steven s most successful films but it was also one of Steven s most personal films When Steven was a child he often felt lonely and longed for a friend just like the characters E T and Elliot in the film It also influenced the way people believe aliens to look like At the same time Steven was working on E T he was also working on Poltergeist meaning noisy ghost Steven wrote and produced Poltergeist and Tobe Hooper directed it Steven was on the set for most of the filming frequently changing scenes Tobe Hooper had directed Having E T and Poltergeist out in theaters together gave Steven two hits at the same time Before E T and Poltergeist Steven and John Landis were working as co producers for Twilight Zone The Movie which is based on an older television series by Rod Serling The film was made up of four different stories with four different directors all directing their own story

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