Essay Example on Strategic Leadership Memo Competitive advantage the goal of all Firms









Strategic Leadership Memo Competitive advantage the goal of all firms to set themselves apart from others and dominate their market Competitive advantage success starts with arguably the most prominent position the CEO Effective strategic and sustainable leadership is demonstrated best by Duke Energy s Lynn J Good Trickle down management is important to keep company mission and vision alive practicing sustainable practices and hiring and retaining skilled and diverse employees Strategic Management Creating Competitive Advantages describes a view of leadership that derives performance of a firm from the performance of the CEO If the firm fails it is because the CEO has failed Dess McNamara Eisner Pg 5 Mrs Good portrays a good example of this philosophy because in her short tenure as CEO she has been in the spotlight for positive and negative decisions Duke Energy and especially Good was under the microscope in 2013 after an accident lead to pollution being spilled into the Dan River in Eden NC Sweet 2016 While many looked at this accident as the end of Good s career and the end of Duke Energy s dominance of the market Good took it upon herself to focus on the natural energy and gas Sweet 2016 This decision is an example of strategic leadership and resilience Good did not let this early roadblock keep her from being successful When examining Duke Energy s Mission Statement and values we can see that Good s move into clean energy provides evidence of keeping the mission alive Good isn t just spouting the buzzwords that keep stakeholders happy she is implementing initiatives to achieve the goal Part of the firm's Mission Statement reads we make people's lives better by providing gas and electrical services in a sustainable way affordable reliable and clean

 Our Mission 2012 As of this week Duke Energy has made affordable reliable and clean a reality for consumers in North Carolina by providing a solar panel rebate program Duke Energy proposes 62 million solar rebate program in North Carolina 2018 Innovative initiatives are not only good for the environment they also create a sustainable competitive advantage for Good s firm This is demonstrated through the forward thinking implementations that have been executed since Good took over as CEO My industry is undergoing extraordinary transformation derived by consumer expectations Adapting the right perspective will help you stay focused on enduring priorities and long term value Good 2016 Most have heard this same sentiment before but Good lives by it The energy sector is changing rapidly with the focus on climate change at the forefront of people's awareness Being one of the countries largest firm s and leading the charge is what brings Good and Duke Energy so much success Passion Possibilities and Perspectives the criteria Good seeks and fosters in her employees She encourages her employees to stretch their abilities and be passionate about their work Good 2016 Good really takes a hard stance of hiring the best which doesn t always come in conventional ways Creating a workforce that allows employees to do what they know and learn about what they dont without fear of failure is what drives a great culture Culture is everything to retaining the best human capital in any industry Lynn Good believes Duke Energy needs to live their purpose lead change deliver results the right way work as one and inspire their employees Michelman 2017 These leadership elements summaries why Duke Energy s success can be linked back to Good s strategic leadership style 

 Our Mission 2012 As of this week Duke Energy has made affordable reliable and clean a reality for consumers in North Carolina by providing a solar panel rebate program Duke Energy proposes 62 million solar rebate program in North Carolina 2018 Innovative initiatives are not only good for the environment they also create a sustainable competitive advantage for Good s firm This is demonstrated through the forward thinking implementations that have been executed since Good took over as CEO My industry is undergoing extraordinary transformation derived by consumer expectations Adapting the right perspective will help you stay focused on enduring priorities and long term value Good 2016 Most have heard this same sentiment before but Good lives by it The energy sector is changing rapidly with the focus on climate change at the forefront of people's awareness Being one of the countries largest firm s and leading the charge is what brings Good and Duke Energy so much success Passion Possibilities and Perspectives the criteria Good seeks and fosters in her employees She encourages her employees to stretch their abilities and be passionate about their work Good 2016 Good really takes a hard stance of hiring the best which doesn t always come in conventional ways Creating a workforce that allows employees to do what they know and learn about what they dont without fear of failure is what drives a great culture Culture is everything to retaining the best human capital in any industry Lynn Good believes Duke Energy needs to live their purpose lead change deliver results the right way work as one and inspire their employees Michelman 2017 These leadership elements summaries why Duke Energy s success can be linked back to Good s strategic leadership style 

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