Essay Example on Stress can happen due to many reasons









Stress can happen due to many reasons This can be classified into acute or chronic stress Acute stress means it is only short term For example stuck in a traffic jam missing a bus or writing a 1000 word essay for only a day However for chronic stress it is long term It can happen when the examples I listed above happen continuously This will constantly stress a person out so acute stress can evolve into chronic stress Stress can usually affect people more in the city area compared to people living at the rural area This is because people who are in the city area has a busier lifestyle due to over working or studying One country that has a high rate of dying due to over working is Japan Living in the city has also a higher level of pollution and noise which can also contribute to the stress level of the people Sometimes places with high traffic can also cause stress to people because they cannot get to the places they need to go on time The immune system is very important to the body because it protects the body and get rid of any foreign object that tries to attack the system 

So how does stress affect the immune system People with high stress level causes the immune system to go down this is because when a person is stress it raises the cortisol level which will cause inflammation of the immune system The immunity is separated into 2 types One that is natural generalised immunity which is a general defence against pathogens which includes T cells T cells help to destroy cells that harms the body It can also kill cells that are cancerous Thus when someone is stress and has low immunity the number of t cells in the body will be reduced and that individual will be at risk of developing sickness like cancer The second type of immunity is specific humoured immunity which produces antigens to fight viruses bacteria and toxins The difference between these 2 cells is that t cells target the outside of infected cells while b cells target on the surface of the infected cells High stress levels can also cause people to feel more depressed and they would rather not socialise and go out with their friends and family members When they isolate themselves they will also tend to keep their worries and problems to themselves This will lead to increased stress level because they are not able to express their thoughts freely or seek advice from anyone 

Thus they will over think and lead to anxiety as well This over loads the immune system which will be unable to protect the body if this situation continues in the long run One disease that attacks the immune system is HIV This virus attacks the cells of the immune system and cause it to be defective thus not being able to protect the body from infections If medication is not taken HIV can evolve to AIDS which can eventually lead to death Fortunately there are many easy ways to reduce stress level By reducing stress levels the immune system will also improve One way to reduces stress level is by exercising Exercising improves overall health by reducing stress and this will help a person to sleep better By having sufficient sleep the body can repair the damages in the body more efficiently thus the immune system will be able to rest as well Another way is to seek a counsellor or someone you trust to tell them about the problems you are facing When you share your problems with someone you trust you will not feel alone and will be able to think positively because there will be more solutions given to you Lastly plan a short getaway This helps because you can be temporarily away to clear your thoughts reorganise your life and set your priorities right So when you come back from the getaway you will be able to face the problems in a more positive manner In conclusion stress is inevitable in our lives Everyone will face stressful situations during the different stages of our lives be it marital financial or social reasons However if we know how to handle and cope with it it will not lead to the breakdown of our immune system which in turn will lead to chronic diseases 

There are times where I feel stressed out as well especially during examinations but the more stress I am the less productive I get I learnt to take things easy and plan a schedule of which module to study on which day so that I will not over work Most importantly I feel that it is not worth to harm our lives especially when we know there are ways we can prevent it

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