Essay Example on Study Identifying the best possible options for Treatment of the Depression








2 1 Scope of the Study This study is to be conducted within the UK with the aim of identifying the best possible options for treatment of the depression within the pregnant women Since the depression is a more common mental health problem therefore it needs to be highlighted researched out Weobong et al 2014 This study will cover various areas related to topic i e treating depression among pregnant women in the UK The areas to be addressed include causes of depression among the pregnant women services literature opinions and policies related to the mental health of pregnant women in the stages of perinatal antenatal and postnatal care 2 2 Definitions of the Key Terms Pregnant Woman A woman who carries gestation which can come into the world after a completion of pregnancy course or duration Class et al 2014 Perinatal Period It is duration of time that revolves around some weeks before the birth of a child and some weeks after the birth of a child Class et al 2014 Antenatal Period It is duration of time that revolves around the giving of birth of a child by the pregnant woman Class et al 2014 Postnatal Period It is a time which starts after the birth of a child It can be for weeks days or months Roy 2017 Depression The depression is numbness or detachment of an individual from his or her friends and family However in context of a pregnant woman the depression would be numbness or detachment from the family due to her pregnancy Roy 2017 3 Depression and Mental Health Problems According to Bor et al 2014 depression is one of the serious medical illnesses and a pertinent public issue The depression is featured by a consistent irritability and sadness and is one of the most prominent causes of injury or disease in the world for both women and men Closa Monasterolo et al 2017 It is also considered as the biggest mental health problems of the persons Closa Monasterolo et al 2017

The depression requires an individual to be farther away from his family and colleagues which he or she like more previously Bor et al 2014 In addition World Health Organisation 2014 indicated that the depression incurs a cost on the families governments and even the workplaces because an individual is unable to perform what he or she is expected to perform in her normal health conditions World Health Organisation 2014 Furthermore the depression also leads to heart diseases suicides more absenteeism and lower workplace productivity which result in an increased level of unemployment and decreased in the level of generating the income Dos Santos et al 2017 3 1 Causes of Depression during Pregnancy Gentile 2017 argued that the depression is caused by numerous factors prevailing in the life of pregnant women The pregnant women due to the troublesome of her pregnancy need more care attention nutrition so that she and her child could remain healthy during the pregnancy and after the pregnancy as well Gentile 2017 Thus abnormalities in the circumstances bring an increase in the depression level of a pregnant woman Gentile 2017 The factors that mostly contribute towards the development of depression among pregnant women include lack of family support single motherhood and the most important are poor economic conditions and eating disorders McMahon et al 2017 Plant et al 2015 argued that lack of family support can be in the form no help and assistance from the family members whereas the shortage of funds also develop anxiety among pregnant women Additionally the social isolation is also a major factor that contributes to the creation of depression among the pregnant women Plant et al 2015

The social isolation refers to a lack of contact and loneliness of a pregnant woman against the other members in a society Plant et al 2015 4 Services during the Course of Pregnancy 4 1 Antenatal Care The antenatal care services have been defined by Jongh et al 2016 as the services offered by the governments or private sector health care professionals to the women during the course of their pregnancy The women are provided services before they give birth to a baby in order to provide better pregnancy experiences to those women Gill et al 2017 One of the most important services provided to the women is that they are asked to continuously visit the health care centres of a country Gill et al 2017 Likewise the pregnant women are provided treatment against the childbirth complications in order to avoid new born deaths Heazell and Evans 2017 Furthermore the pregnant women are provided counselling pertaining to their pregnancy period Heazell and Evans 2017 The counselling is provided with an objective of enabling the women to control their depression level and remain happy with their lifestyles Khanal et al 2014 On the other hand Khanal et al 2014 stated that women are provided 8 contacts with the care providers in order to enhance their mental and physical health Likewise NHS provides services to pregnant women who have severe mental health problems Gill et al 2017 The pregnant women are more likely to be ill during the pregnancy than be ill in their non pregnancy life Dos Santos et al 2017 4 2 Postnatal Care Langlois et al 2013 identified that postnatal care is necessary for the women with mental health problems because the illnesses and disorders become severer than the normal times Numerous mental health problems consist of severe depression psychosis and bipolar affective disorder Likewise the care plan is necessary for the women who have given birth to the child if those women were victimized by a severe illness either during their pregnancy or before their pregnancy Telesis et al 2017 As per the care plan the pregnant women are

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