313Shared components and utilities are important in complete functioning of the DBMS by using catalog manager memory manager administration monitoring utilities replication loading services batch utilities etc during the execution of the query In Process per DBMS worker model each DBMS worker is implemented as an OS process whereas in Thread per DBMS worker model each DBMS worker is implemented as an OS thread In Process Pool every DBMS Worker is assigned to OS process pool after the receiving of work requests from the caller and after processing the request the process is send back to pool Through shared memory and shared disk parallel system all processors show equal performance by accessing the same RAM and disk A shared nothing parallel system is pack of independent machines with high speed network interconnect for better communication Compare to the share nothing parallel system shared disk has low cost of administration Thus the whole architecture of database system is explained Strengths Helpful in storing retrieving and manipulating data which is really useful scenario in many organizations like businesses software companies market analysis etc Data sharing to the end users has become easy with the help of DBMS Thereby helping the end users for better access to required data
Though initial installation cost is high the maintenance costs are low Centralized DBMS helps in forming and maintaining the entity relationships thereby developing a Data model Concurrency control of data by multiple users is possible using DBMS Weakness It is not easy to catch up the complexity of whole DBMS In order to use it properly everyone in the hierarchy like database administrators developers designers have to be aware of the entire functionality DBMS is the large piece of software that requires huge amount of memory to run DBMS is more general in way when working for many applications Due to this some of the applications may not run as fast as they used to previously Since DBMS is centralized system failure in one of the components stops the whole process Cost of DBMS is high and dependent on the functionalities it provides DBMS storage may require purchase of additional storage hardware space Sometimes it is expensive to adapt the whole existing application to convert to the new DBMS Feedback and Opinion on the topic DBMS is playing major role in the business intelligence in the way of extracting the information from existing data The interesting topic Multidimensional eXpressions MDX is the language for expressing the analytical queries which is the latest trend of DBMS and will be used more in future Database engines nowadays have spatial data types This spatial data is useful in developing powerful applications like yelp vase google maps weather prediction etc DBMS is broad and getting wide in use in coming years