






SUMMARY ON SOFTWARE TESTING AND SOFTWARE TESTING TECHNIQUE IN CLOUD COMPUTING Cloud computing may be a one amongst the rising technology that opens new door for computer code testing This paper investigates the computer code testing in cloud platform which incorporates cloud testing models recent analysis work industrial tools and analysis problems Software testing is associate integral and vital part of the computer code development method Testing needs valuable dedicated infrastructure and resources that were solely used periodically that scrutinizes the application s performance responsibleness speed security and practicality Since business applications square measure growing in complexness it's somewhat troublesome for organizations to create and maintain in house testing facilities that imitate period of time environments this can be wherever cloud testing has emerged as a recent approach to testing wherever cloud computing environments square measure leveraged to simulate real world user traffic by considerably decreasing prices this will even be extended to classical useful regression and different testing The testing on cloud thought took form once corporations started exploitation varied machines shodden up within the cloud so as to simulate net traffic and do performance tests on internet sites Following are the observation in paper 1 NEED FOR CLOUD COMPUTING Cloud computing support cost effective and flexibility through which scalable computing power and diverse services application services are delivered as services to large scale world users whenever and where required TYPES OF TESTING IN CLOUD 1 Unit Testing 2 Integration testing

3 System testing 4 Load testing 5 Acceptance testing 6 production testing Following are the observation in paper 2 CLOUD TESTING MODEL 1 Testing as a Service TaaS 2 Testing Support as a Service TSaaS 3 Testing inside Cloud RISKS REGUARDING CLOUD TESTING 1 Security Cloud take a look at relies on the net therefore it should return up to the case regarding the escape of personal info web suspending and repair supplier Procedures area unit being developed to boost security and performance within the public cloud 2 Lack of standards Public cloud suppliers have their own design operational models and evaluation mechanisms and supply little or no ability This poses a giant challenge for corporations after they ought to switch vendors 3 Infrastructure Some cloud providers offer only limited types of configurations technology servers and storage networking and bandwidth making it difficult to create real time test environments 4 Usage Improper usage of cloud based test environments can increase costs 5 Planning Testing teams need to bear in mind of the associated expenses like price of encrypting information before putt testing throughout a cloud surroundings since these wants will consume further constituent and memory It's important to observe utilization of cloud resources to avoid over usage and over payment CLOUD TESTING TOOLS 1 SOASTA Cloud Test 2 iTKO LISA 3 Cloud Testing RESEARCH ISSUES 

1 Validate the quality of cloud tested applications at all levels sometimes quality is a highly subjective attribute varying from the different end user expectations that the researchers ought to develop a testing methodology to verify and validate the standard of overall testing within the cloud 2 Monitoring and managing the software testing processes With the growing number of cloud providers it would be efficient to have some methods tools and facilities for monitoring and managing the software testing processes from the different providers in an all in one fashion 3 Management of test data In order for effective testing to take place some testing tasks depend highly on the actual customer or production data CLOUD TESTING ADVANTAGES 1 Ease of Implementation The most effective a part of cloud testing is its easy implementation There are not any back end technicalities concerned during this method This online platform is understood for its simple tractability Business establishments will simply access cloud testing 2 Cost Effective This kind of screening may be a boon on the price of testing and developing Cloud testing is most advantageous relating to its price savings leading to additional profits 3 No issues Of Hardware Cloud performance testing will away with hardware necessities Since this is often a web platform wherever you ll be able to store all of your information up in a web storage facility no actual physical place of storage is required 4

 Flexible Cloud testing is additional versatile within the sense the business establishments will embrace or subtract information from the storage as and once required 5 Reliable This kind of screening has another advantage it s additional reliable than any in house infrastructure CLOUD TESTING DISADVANTAGES 1 Loss of Control During this form of testing you expose all of your information to be keep in a web cloud platform This results in loss of management over information and may later end in serious issues 2 Fewer Features All cloud testing platforms don t continuously offer you all the options required Some options square measure perhaps missing And these restricted versions aren t suggested for springing up quality merchandise LITERATURE SURVEY 1St paper proposed An overview of need of cloud computing and types testing in cloud 2nd paper proposed Investigation of the software testing in cloud platform which includes cloud testing models recent research work commercial tools and research issues CONCLUSION Compared with typical testing strategies cloud testing emphasizes additional on system testing and on line testing A few testing challenges and Advantages of cloud computing are known Testing is a periodic activity and new requirements to be established for each project This is still an emerging research area with many open problems

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