Essay Example on Teaching English to Learners








I think my first weakness in teaching English to learners is that I can't motivate learners to learning at the beginning of the lesson so learners don't focus on what I say They don't interest my lesson I didn't give aim and objectives of lesson properly and I didn't make link between prior knowledge and new concepts so learners didn't get the aim of the lesson and are not motivated I read some research papers about this topic in order to improve my knowledge about motivation and learn how to motivate students for learning According to Brophy Students are motivated more when they know what they will learn and they will succeed when they give enough effort 1978 The importance of giving aim and objectives before learning and through lesson are emphasized When students are motivated they will concentrate on their goals and they will modify their behavior in order to achieve those goals Thanks to motivation students can study on something without hesitating Consequently success of students will increase They will be more willingly to complete their tasks Svinicki 2002 Higher motivation to learn cause to better academic performance greater understanding Gottfried 2009 There are a lot of methods of motivation into courses and having a relation with students desire to succeed One of the important motivation method is giving description of course goals and help students think about their personal learning goals

Helping students understand why the course is important how it is structured and how they can successfully complete it is very important for motivating students and amuse them Cross 1998 Explanation of goals for the course can combine not only a summary of the knowledge which you want to students to success but also expectations for their own participation because research has shown that a teacher’s expectations have a powerful impact on a student s performance Davis 1997 Regarding students interests and background knowledge is an appreciable motivation method because every students have different proficiency level and different interests Choosing interesting topics and information will also help students motivating and attract the attention of students McCombs 1991 There are some ways of motivating students in the classroom Pair work or group work One of the successful ways if the teacher talented enough to motivate his her students to join in the lesson is pair work or group work Learners have differences in doing skills While one student has skill of drawing another can be skillful in expressing ideas verbally and other one can be good at imitation Therefore learners can help each other while studying on different types of tasks Brophy 1987 Role play Using role play activity is a good technique in order to motivate students and to help the less motivated learners make a participation in classroom Using realia flashcards stories and songs in teaching one of the important tools in teaching a foreign language is using realia and flash cards in classroom because they have an important role of a promoter in teaching new vocabulary such as fruits vegetables jobs items etc Waddell 2004 Another effective way of improving communication and writing skills is creating stories with students Furthermore lecturer can also use songs to teach grammar vocabulary pronunciation etc Because learners like songs and they motivate the students to learn the English language in an interesting and different way Students examine question such as the feeling in the songs what will happen next etc Newall 2005 Error correction If teacher stop at every error and try to correct it students will be too much afraid of making mistakes When teacher always try to correct mistakes and prevent to students make mistakes students don't want to participate the lesson Thus teachers should know when to correct mistakes and how to do that without offending students Deci 2000 Using these techniques I can motivate the learners and create more interesting lesson

Secondly I think my other weakness is speaking My pronunciation is not correct so my students didn t learn the correct pronunciation at my first micro teaching I can not speak fluently Bashiruddin 2003 states that learners who don't exposure English out of classroom are lack of speaking skill Because they try to use English only in lesson after lesson they don t remember what they learn Teachers generally give important to reading and writing skill but they don't care about the speaking for this reason this skill is mostly forgotten As Hodson 2006 pointed out speaking and listening skills are neglected also Wilkinson thinks the same as Hodson 1990 Due to the fact that oral communication skill is not given any importance the learners and teachers speaking abilities are poor As a prime example for this Bashiruddin 2003 and Panah 2000 say that in Pakistan English teachers lacking of speaking skills are the biggest problem for teaching English Alam Uddin 2013 Alwright 1994 thinks that involving learners and teachers in teaching learn by doing is important for improving communication As Byrne 1986 says that improving speaking skill is a process which have a two style between speaker and listener and constitutes the productive skills of speaking and receptive skills of understanding As cited in International Journal of English Language Teaching 2013

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