373Moreover there is conceptual support for recommending technical analysis as a supplement to fundamental analysis for even the top professionals Conceptual reasoning is never sufficient as there are many evidences that supports some random trends and models of the stock market and rejects the values obtained in technical analysis The process of selecting securities for investment has multi dimensions Hayes September 1966 The dimensions are to be implemented where there are controversies In a long term prospect the investment analysis is accepted The revolutionization of implementation methodology has been forced upon Although the empirical data will suggest that those are wrong The idea of using math models is not being considered while supporting the conventional analysis Their usage cannot be stopped Though they won't serve the purpose much they will be useful when calculating complex investment analysis Many prominent economists have propounded by observing that investors instead of selecting the best long term return yielding investments are always behind the game of anticipating Vaughn June 1967 Suggest that there are a lot of ways to improve the timing and profitability of stock investments
The most chosen ones before investing in stock are fundamental undervaluation and technical approaches A regular analysis can lead the investor to a much clear decision about where he should possibly invest in The combination of approaches of undervaluation fundamental and technical will have a much better result and better profit rather than choosing any one of these In this research six companies were studied The result showed that when a desirable pattern of chart was formed the sales and profits improved Also the multiples of the price earnings were relatively low and showed a significant increase too The investors should have a thorough knowledge about all these methods to invest wisely They must test all the procedures hypothetically with usage of limited amount of fund until it is proved that these methods are desirable and successful Only after which can they allocate these to the market While traditional approaches like fundamental analysis are more widely accepted technical analysis which is also known as charting has not yet been used that much
One major disadvantage of technical analysis is that the figures and shapes used in it often keep flashing in the eyes of the investors Andrew W Lo August 2000 In his study has proposed a model based on nonparametric regression on large U S stocks for over 35years to analyse and conclude about how effective is technical analysis When the comparison of daily stocks was made with the help of certain technical indicators many have proved to have shown logical and pragmatic values There are two steps that bridge the financial data and fundamental analysis One links it to the future profit earning and another to the value of the firm Each of these steps will involve much number of factors that facilitate evaluation Cristina Abad July 2004 Proposed a model that had many criterions related to data analysis techniques Every stage of linear efficiency was fitted to the observed data 30 stocks of a Spanish manufacturing industry for over 5 years were provided as a numerical example The results suggested that the returns from stock market in Madrid were all normal These were actually under developed than the stock markets in the U S Hence prices will be reflected only partially New set of investigations were to be made in order to test if the abnormal returns were possible or not Bibliography Andrew W Lo H M August 2000 Foundations of Technical Analysis Computational Algorithms Statistical Inference and Empirical Implementation The Journal of Finance 1705 1765 Cristina Abad S A July 2004 Fundamental Analysis of Stocks by Two Stage DEA Managerial and Decision Economics 231 241 Hayes D A September 1966 The Dimensions of Analysis A Critical Review Financial Analysts Journal 81 83 Levy R A July 1966 Conceptual Foundations of Technical Analysis Financial Analysts Journal 83 89 Vaughn D E June 1967 Combining the Undervaluation Fundamental and Technical Approaches to Security The Southwestern Social Science Quarterly 79 85