Essay Example on Technical University of Munich in Nutrition and Biomedicine Master’s Degree Application








With the escalating cost of medications not falling ill is the best chance of survival for most People in Bangladesh And if they would be unfortunate enough the cure should be readily Available to them This philosophy of health care system has essentially motivated me to Pursue a research career in exploring the promising health benefits of functional foods and nutraceuticals Over the past few years Nutraceuticals sales have seen a tremendous growth in Bangladesh but it does not have a single research laboratory that is actively isolating and screening Pharmacologically active novel compounds from these food sources Likewise little research is undertaken to test the claimed activity or to optimize the therapeutic value of existing nutraceuticals available in the market A Master’s degree from the Technical University of Munich in Nutrition and Biomedicine will be the stepping stone to enrich me with the knowledge skill sets and credentials begin a paradigm shift in the field of vital usage and importance of Nutraceuticals as a preventive therapy for a wide range of chronic diseases including diabetes obesity and vascular dysfunction etc After completion of my Master s Degree and furthermore completing a PhD I intend to return to Bangladesh and establish a laboratory for evaluation of existing Nutraceuticals and for identification of various active constituents in the marketed functional foods During my undergrad I studied a diversity of courses which gave me in depth knowledge about the distinguishing aspects of health and related aspects I learned about the distinctive biomolecules and their prominent roles in human body especially in the course biochemistry

Throughout four years of education I studied pharmacology each year which dealt with distinctive maladies resulting due to eating regimen and ways of life This helped me to examine the pathophysiology of an illness alongside distinguished the coveted treatment for a disease Different courses for example Toxicology Microbiology and Physiology which I took in my undergraduate years has improved my insight in perceiving the diverse ways human and a microbial system behaves interacts and adapts to a condition After working on my thesis I realized the necessity of mathematics in a scientific work which inspired me to take a course in mathematics in my university even though it was not required for graduation While Evaluating the curriculum for Nutrition and Biomedicine the subject which really grabbed my attention was Research Tools I and Research Tools II This is entirely because the course would enable me to learn something new and that too on a broader scale such as omics techniques which ranges from genomics to proteomics along with the opportunity of exploring public database to carry out analysis of the genes and protein sequence Another course that got me intrigued was Disease pathologies and Nutrition due to the fact that in this course I will be able to deepen my knowledge in the way a disease progresses over a period of time which will enable me to have a clear vision of what treatment should be provided in a certain condition The possibility of conducting my master s thesis in renowned laboratories of world class facilities further boosts my wish to study in TUM

I firmly feel after completely assessing my Bachelor level studies and comparing it with modules of this current master s program I have the necessary background knowledge in order to make further giant strides in learning much more and satisfying my potential I am currently taking online courses on Diabetes Essential Facts and also Introduction to food and Health which are offered by University of Copenhagen and Stanford University respectively in order to be a perfect fit for this programme As part of my curriculum I have worked on my thesis for last few months on the antibiotic sensitivity of different organisms isolated from clinical samples During the project apart from the antibiotic sensitivity I have conducted different Biochemical tests such as MacConkey test Gram Staining Methyl Red and Voges Proskauer test to name a few Furthermore I have assisted another group who worked on Chromium reduction profile of bacteria collected from marine area for the bioremediation process These projects totally worked as a booster for my perseverance and observation skills as it helped me to develop my basic skills and helped me to get familiar with various laboratory techniques which are a pre requisite for conducting a research I even completed one month in plant training at GlaxoSmithKline GSK Bangladesh which is one of the world s leading research based pharmaceutical and health care companies Throughout the entire training period I was exposed to many stimulating tasks that are performed by a top notch pharmaceutical company in order to maintain and assure its product quality and this has truly helped me gain practical experience which I definitely think will prove to be beneficial in future for my development as a professional In conclusion I strongly feel my interdisciplinary experience and my commitment to learn more about this particular subject makes me a suitable fit for this program I look forward to the honor and opportunity to grow as an academician and researcher at this university

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