Technology Discursive Essay In 1946 one of the first digital computers was made to the present day digital technology and computing have worked their way into more areas of life from communications to finance to social interaction You can see the impact daily in homes schools and offices and in fact every area of our lives The use of digital devices such as computers TV mobile phones and video games has increased substantially over the past few years This is due to people having internet available Technology is improving every day which is sometimes seen as a positive however there are many dangers which have to be considered Many people use the internet and social media such as Facebook Instagram and other social media methods more often this is because it is convenient and has become addictive In turn it has made us lazy and having less proper conversations with each other With a total world population of seven billion two billion use the internet and eight hundred million use Facebook Digital media has improved communications efficiency availability flexibility and speed etc However there are some situations where substantial use can make us more stressed
Most of us are aware of the addiction not being able to turn off our mobile phones or go a whole day without checking texts emails or social media notifications overall being connected might just have more negative impact on our health than we are aware of There are many parents government and health related professionals that have concern with the length of time young people spend online either using social network sites video computer games or mobile phones Usually younger people aged five to sixteen spend an average of six and a half hours a day in front of a screen compared with around three hours in the year 1995 according to market research firm childwise However girls spend only three and a half hours while teenage boys spend the longest with an average of eight hours There is a serious concern that technology has caused a rise in mental health with these concerns purely being put down to excessive internet usage with people becoming isolated due to less social involvement There is also a similar concern that video and computer games are also causing mental health issues where excessive use is detrimental to children along with the fact that violent video games are causing children to express violent behaviours
Cyber bullying plays a major part in terms of mental health Just like any other victim of bullying cyber bullied kids experience anxiety fear depression and low self esteem It is common that kids who are bullied over the internet can struggle academically or can also experience some unique consequences and negative feelings However some younger children are bullied because of how they look this can lead to eating disorders such as anorexia The use of gaming is highly promoted by Companies while many believe it is harmful as seen in academic research Not to mention TV has not yet been replaced by the internet and other technologies with it still remaining as the highest used digital technology globally On average children watch at least three hours of TV per day and four hours watching TV on the weekends This can sometimes affect family life such as kids being in rooms isolated and parents worrying all the time about what their kids could be up to online It doesn't matter how many different technologies are released TV still keeps its powerful position as most highly used technology in family life Social networking is a great form of communication
People who live in different countries miles apart can make new friends or stay in touch with existing friends and family members across the world It's very simple and easy to setup a personal profile on social networking sites and have this form of communication at your fingertips However this new technology has completely changed how we communicate There are things to be aware of when using social networking sites such as fake profiles which can often cause problems such as harassment Some may agree that using social media too often as a way of communication can stop people from meeting face to face or having phone conversations due to the ease of sending messages by the tap of a button In conclusion the use of digital technology is increasing impacting human life particularly in the last two decades The impact of computer technology in our lives is massive I usually don't leave my house without my mobile phone I feel secure when I have my phone with me it allows me to be contacted when needed and if I had any issues I could phone my family or friends Although it has a major impact on younger people's lives such as cyber bullying mental issues and addiction technology can still be useful in many other ways Word count 820
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