Essay Example on Thank you your excellencies President of the General Assembly









Thank you your excellencies President of the General Assembly Executive Director of the UN women UN Secretary General and honored guests for being part of this important moment Today we send forth the movement HeForShe but still we need your support to put an end to gender inequality This is the first UN campaign that have this kind of purpose We want to try to create a change in which men and women contribute And our intention is to create a change that can be seen in the future a change that is tangible I was chosen as Goodwill Ambassador for UN Women And it is important to mention that the more I want to transmit feminism the more I get to acknowledge that nowadays when women fights for their rights they are being associated with man hating this is why other females are choosing to be against HeForShe This needs to end because if you believe in the social political and economical equality of the sexes you are a feminist I chose to be a feminist and it was simple to me But now I found out that through my research that the word feminist has become an unpopular one and has started to be hated but that is not what is important but the ambition behind it due to the fact that not all females have the same rights as me 

Reality is that statistically very few have Since I was little I started to question gender stereotypes and assumptions When I was 15 years old my female friends started to leave their sports team due to the fact that they were afraid to seem to muscly When I was 18 my male friends felt that they could not express their feelings as it will appear to others less of a man When we use words such as girly or manly when we only use toys that are meant and designed by one gender when we form part of sports based on our gender we promote stereotypes without noticing it And yet it takes effort from us to acknowledge the harm that we are doing How can there be none gender based assumptions when we learn them since our childhood How can we expect a change then If we want to truly transform the world into a better one we have to not only change salaries but our language too Every expression every word we have used has an impact in our daily basis The change that we are so hard trying to create starts with us I recognize that in my life I have been very fortunate as I have got good opportunities as studying in Brown But what if my experience in college didn t show me about women empowerment What if my university showed me that women can indeed study and get degrees but they should not lead a country or get an important political position What if there are still places as universities that are under the belief that sexual violence is not an actual form of violence but instead something normal

We know that if we transmit messages through education of an equal society the world will change Schools and universities must tell women how important and how powerful are their beliefs and that it is valued And more important we need to let minorities females and everyone else that their safety is a right and not a privilege How did the world became such an uncomfortable one I was born in Britain and i live there and I belief that my payment should be the same as my male partners I belief that I can do whatever I want with my own body and make my own decisions about it I belief it is correct that females are involved in the making of new policies I belief that in the social aspect I should have the same respect as man have In 1977 Hillary Clinton made a speech in behalf of women s rights It is sad to say that only 30 of the audience were men How can we expect a change in the society if only some part of it is invited or feel welcome to form part of that change So today I will see this as an chance to make a formal invitation to this other part of our society Gender equality is an issue that both man and women share today

 As until this day I ve been a witness of how the importance of the role as parent for male has decreased into a 50 this massive erosion of fatherhood contributes mightily to many of the major social problems of our time Fatherless children have a risk factor of two to three times that of fathered children for a wide range of negative outcomes including dropping out of high school giving birth as a teenager and becoming a juvenile delinquent Williams 2011 I ve been witnessing young men going through mental illness without the chance to speak up as people would think of them less of a man Men are getting a wrong concept of what constitutes male success This means that men are not getting a sense of equality either Men and women should be free of feeling what they want they should be free to be sensitive and strong I am looking forward to a world in which daughters mothers and sisters can feel free from the sexism of nowadays and men too to feel free to be vulnerable We need your help to unite the world to be a better one even though the world is growing with new feminists each day that join a movement of equality This movement is called HeForShe So now I invite you and persuade you take a step forward to be seen and to ask yourself If not me who If not now when

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