Essay Example on The assignment investigation of the process of Accreditation









The assignment investigation of the process of accreditation for an Early Education Center was conducted via email with the director of the Santa Ana Community College s Early Education Center The center is located in the City of Santa Ana Orange County California The center is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children NAEYC and their renewal was awarded on January 13 2016 They NAEYC renewal takes place every 5 years through verification and documentations of how the facility meets the necessary requirements of the 10 National NAEYC s standards 1 promoting relationships 2 Implementing curriculum 3 Teaching methods that are developmentally culturally and linguistically appropriate 4 Formal Informal ongoing assessment of children 5 Promoting health and nutrition 6 Teachers educational qualification knowledge and commitment 7 Promoting collaborative relationships with families 8 Promoting community relationships 9 The physical environment indoor outdoor is well maintained appropriate and useful both to children and staff 10 Program leadership and management NAEYC 2007 

According to J Cowan the first step of the program accreditation process took a year for determining its level of quality in accordance with the 10 NAEYC standards Once the level was determined the center submitted the accreditation enrollment paperwork and the second step the self study began the self study allows staff members to make improvements or fix any discrepancies within the facility or staff In the third step once the self study is completed the program submits the necessary evidence for the NAEYC to review the readiness of the site In the fourth step the center s candidacy material must organize the portfolio program observation class portfolio and class observation In the fifth step within six months candidates receive a 15 day notification of their incoming assessment visit The accreditation if 80 of the assessed criteria for each standard met and each class observed meets at least 70 of the assessed criteria In the sixth and final step the facility is either accredited or denied if denied the facility receives feedback on the criteria that needs improvement and for which the candidate is given a time frame to make the necessary corrections before submitting paperwork and materials again NAEYC 2007 The NAEYC s fee is contingent upon the number of students enrolled in this case the center has between 121 240 children so the NAEYC charged an overall expense of 2 420 795 for the enrollment 400 for the application and 1 225 for the candidacy To keep the yearly membership the center must submit an annual report with updates on the program s administration responsibilities its Title 22 regulations of the state of California s licensing status proof and the yearly NAEYC s annual fee of 770 00 that was contingent upon the number of students 

The program is accredited every 5 years and must submit prove of the renewed material to be reviewed and determine the program s readiness for a site visit The way J Cowen shows proof of renewal is through photographs and written documentation J Cowen cited an example photos of a garden event for the children and their families that the center keeps in its records under a caption of family relationships This example calls the memory of another center visited some years ago where a sequence of photographs exhibiting the metamorphosis of a caterpillar found by children 3 4 years old were taken along several weeks and that the director had kept it under the caption of teaching When the program is determined to be reviewed observed the center gets a notice that they are considered for renewal and that a site visit will come within 6 months of the renewal due date J Cowen states that the renewal process is the same as the initial process and still must meet 80 of each of the 10 NAEYC standards and assessment items to be once again satisfactorily accredited The interview accreditation processes along with reading the NAEYC book mirrored the NAEYC explanation of how a center is accredited Although accreditations are costly and an extensive research time must be applied by staff members and director before and after accreditation the accreditation rises the level of quality performed in a program continually driving staff to keep up with accreditation changes on maintenance and standards It not only gives the facility an up to date standard and prestige but also it gives staff standards to meet to give children a high quality early learning environment An NEAYC accreditation provides a center with a status of quality that makes the center marketable notable and compatible against other centers schools So investing in accreditation by NAEYC should be a priority and urgency

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