Essay Example on The capabilities of PART 147 is provide the delegate with an understanding









The capabilities of PART 147 is provide the delegate with an understanding of the process and methodology whereby the organisation may develop its own MTOE and associated documents so that it may gain regulatory approval To understand the regulatory background leading to the various competence related requirement The next is excellent cost effective webinars presented at least once per month Then excellent engineering reference manuals included with your membership The maintenance training organisation shall establish procedures acceptable to the DGCA to ensure proper training standards and compliance with all relevant requirements in this Notice The procedures regularly reviewed The maintenance training organisation shall establish a quality system including an independent audit function to monitor training standards the integrity of knowledge examinations and practical assessments compliance with and adequacy of the procedures and a feedback system of audit findings to the persons and ultimately to the accountable manager to ensure as necessary corrective action 

The maintenance training course material shall be provided to the student and cover the following as applicable the basic knowledge syllabus specified in AN No 1101 for the relevant aircraft maintenance license category or subcategory and the type course content required AN No 1101 for the relevant aircraft type and aircraft maintenance license category or subcategory Students shall have access to examples of maintenance documentation and technical information The examination staff shall ensure the security of all questions Any student during a knowledge examination to be cheating or in possession of material pertaining to the examination subject other than the examination papers and associated authorised documentation shall be disqualified from taking the examination and may not take any examination for at least 12 months after the date of incidents The DGCA shall be informed of any such incident within forty eight hours and the detail of any enquiry to be submitted within one calendar month Any examiner found during a knowledge examination to be providing question answers to any student being examined shall be disqualified from acting as an examiner and examination declared void 

The DGCA shall be informed of any such incident within forty eight hours and details of any enquiry to be submitted within one calendar month Part 147 approval can only be granted to an organisation which plans to conduct training on all the modules related to a subcategory of an aircraft maintenance license so that a full understanding of the training needs interfaces and examination relative to that subcategory of license is achieved However some modules may be sub contracted It does not mean that the Part 147 organisation is not allowed to conduct courses on just one module In particular in the case of limitations resulting from the conversion process limitations can be lifted through the teaching and or examination of one module or a part of a module The Part 147 should be capable of conducting the full course relative to the subcategory sought so that they can run the examination Pert 147 can only be granted to an organisation which can prove its capability to conduct training and examinations on a complete syllabus of at least one subcategory of the Part 66 license Only in the case the organisation holds the approval for the complete basic training course it may conduct basic examinations not being an intergral part of the approved basic training course The competent authority does not have to supply examination questions However as part of the oversight the authority must sample check and review the organisations questions data bank and the examination process Part 147 organisation has the privilege if approved by its competent authority to provide aircraft type training courses This comprises both the theoretical and practical element of the aircraft type training including the related examinations and assessments

 This means that the practical element of the aircraft type training shall be completed in a Part 147 organisation However the aircraft type training may be conducted physically in a Part 145 organisation under the control and as a part of the approval of a Part 147 organisation issuing the Certificate of Recognition It is not the privilege of the Part 145 organisation to conduct aircraft type training courses on its own In addition the theoretical and practical element of the aircraft type training can be conducted by two different approved Part 147 organisations The competent authority endorsing the type rating on the license should be convinced that the interfaces have been correctly addressed before proceeding thereof In the special case where the aircraft type course is directly approved by the competent authority in accordance with the procedure only on case by case basis special authorization not granted for long term periods the training can be conducted outside the scope of a Part 147 organisation As a consequence the certificate issued is not mutually recognized between Member States which means it can only be used for aircraft type endorsement by the licensing authority who issued that direct approval

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