Essay Example on The Commission of the Status of Women









Committee Background The Commission of the Status of Women first met at Lake Success New York in February 1947 soon after founding the United Nations and is the principal global intergovernmental body exclusively dedicated to the promotion of gender equality of women Was established by May Brodbeck Vice President of Academic Affairs in response to the 1975 International Women s Year program on women s education and employment The Council has proposed child care centers affirmative action family leave and sexual harassment grievance procedures In CSW there are only 45 member states choose by ECOSOC 13 members of Africa 11 members of Asia 9 members of Latin America and Caribbean 8 members from Western Europe and other states and 4 from Eastern Europe all the members are elected for four year terms Every year all the member states of the CSW join to evaluate the progress on gender equality identify challenges set global standards and formulate concrete policies to promote gender equality and advancement of women worldwide Topic information Gender equality is not only about economic empowerment it is also about fairness and equality but also includes political social and cultural sides To eliminate the impact of gender discrimination it is commonly to adjust to some characteristics but these characteristics can underestimate the potential for gender discrimination to suppress women s earnings This is because gender discrimination does not occur only in employers payings it can happen is every place leading to women s labor History of the Topic 

A key challenge for the United Nations and its member in promoting the women peace and security in post conflict places is eradicating the gap between the political and economic security of peacebuilding The growing statistics of women making paid work has changed gender relations patterns of marriage and it s also viewed as a indicator of women s progress to gender equality in the labor part The global average of earned income for women was estimated at 10 778 and the men average income was about 19 873 A clear example of this topic is the equality in pay that has improved in the US since 1979 when women earned about 62 percent as much as men In 2010 American women on average earned 81 percent of what their male counterparts earned Women's participation in the U S labor force climbed during the 1970s and 1980s reaching 60 percent in 2000 However in 2010 this figure has declined to 46 7 percent and is not expected to increase by 2018 Current issues From Syria s conflict to Nepal s post earthquake recovery and West Africa's Ebola epidemic human suffering has reached levels with women and girls being affected Globally women have fewer opportunities for economic participation than men less access to basic and higher education greater health and safety risks and less political representation Around 144 countries of the Global Gender Gap Report have closed 96 of the gap in health outcomes between women and men and also 95 in the educational side

 The current gender gap in political aspect is the one with more progress with a reduction of 9 since 2006 but the gap is larger than in 2006 but mainly in specific countries such as China and India Some regions should expect their gender gap narrow faster than the global rate of change among these are South Asia with a closing gender gap in at least 46 years Western Europe in 61 years Latin America in 72 years and Sub Saharan Africa in 79 years For other parts of the world is expected to be eradicated in at least 100 years but none of these data are fully effective conclusions instead the reflect the current progress and works as a call for action to accelerate gender equality in the world Bloc Positions According to WEF World Economic Forum the top ten countries with less gender gap are Iceland Finland Norway Sweden Rwanda Ireland Philippines Slovenia New Zealand and Nicaragua Conclusions The most important aspect of the topic is the way that some countries are trying to eradicate the gender gap on their population even after any conflict or not but there are some other factors that are not leading this countries to eliminate it at all such as racism or the thinking that men are superior than women in everything and that's not true at all but also consider these 4 aspects Women earn less money than men The progress of elimination gender gap is slow Women Take On More Caregiving And Housework Women have less power and participation in politics One characteristic shared by many of the top 10 countries was that they had a greater number of women in political power It makes sense that women in power would prioritize advancing the welfare of other women

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