371As a result of the proletarians obligement poor workers would become more poor and the distribution of wealth between the classes would become more uneven Marx and Engels believed that so long as the workers allowed the bourgeoisie to own such immense capital they would always be subjected to their unwavering and perpetual dominance The six stages of political evolution in Marx and Engels s opinion is also discussed in The Communist Manifesto The middle of the nineteenth century the time during which the Manifesto was written was considered to be in the fourth stage which was capitalism Stage five the next stage of political evolution would occur when the proletarians overthrew the oppressive class and put them under their dictatorship This will bring the destructive conflicts between competing social classes to an end which will give communism the final stage of the political evolution a place to take root Communism the final stage of the political evolution will be achieved when no man can exploit another for personal gain For this to become reality several things need to happen First the proletarians must abolish all laws and governments in their entirety Second all social classes need to be eradicated from society forcing people to work for one another for the common good Third there is to be no property ownership or use of money Marx and Engels claimed that this was the last stage of the political evolution and at this time no social classes would exist and everyone would be treated equally Many nineteenth century workers found The Communist Manifesto attractive
This was because they were experiencing the class struggles that Marx and Engels were describing and if society shifted to a communist rule they would be equalized with the bourgeoisie thus ending the struggles that they were experiencing They believed that since communism appealed to the majority it would spread rapidly Centuries after the publication The Communist Manifesto still remains profound Today in the twenty first century society has a polarized view of communism yet still regards Marx and Engels as revolutionary philosophers who changed they way people think and view the world from a variety of perspectives The Communist Manifesto created an important and ongoing discussion regarding different aspects of politics that continue to affect society such as the continued exploitation of certain groups of people the pitfalls of capitalism and its alternatives and what society could be subjected to in the future Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels pamphlet The Communist Manifesto transformed the way people think as well as the the world as a whole