310The concept of Well being and the role of Interior Design The World Health Organisation defines health as the state of complete physical mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity The term well being reflects on one's feelings about oneself in relation to the world and is found in the models proposed by Maslow 1941 Diener and Biswas Diener 2008 Seligman 2011 and Dolan 2014 Wellbeing or Happiness is one of the major if not ultimate goals for every human being Fortunately positive psychology researchers have exciting and encouraging news it is after all possible to become lastingly happier Diener et al 2006 Boehm and Lyubomirsky 2009 Seligman et al 2005 proving Aristotle's idea that happiness depends upon ourselves
Although there is no common shared terminology relating to happiness various researchers share the viewpoint that well being has an objective and a subjective component Veenhoven et al 2014 Authors 2014 In addition different researchers seem to agree that happiness is determined for a large part by the presence of a predefined genetic happiness set point which contributes to happiness for 50 life circumstances 10 and intentional activities 40 Lyubomirsky et al 2005a Lyubomirsky 2007 Interior Design can act as a circumstantial factor that contributes to enabling activities Petermans Nuyts 2016 In order to design such contexts is challenging as its human centered nature requires the designer to truly empathise with the future users of the space on both a subjective and objective level The relation between people and space A man is whatever room he is in Mad Men x understanding the relation between person and space A person's behaviour is directly related to their environment According to Ayalp 2012 the relation between person and space is complex and bilateral the person defines the space and the space defines the person This relation is affected cultural psychological economic and physical dimensions
Although there is no common shared terminology relating to happiness various researchers share the viewpoint that well being has an objective and a subjective component Veenhoven et al 2014 Authors 2014 In addition different researchers seem to agree that happiness is determined for a large part by the presence of a predefined genetic happiness set point which contributes to happiness for 50 life circumstances 10 and intentional activities 40 Lyubomirsky et al 2005a Lyubomirsky 2007 Interior Design can act as a circumstantial factor that contributes to enabling activities Petermans Nuyts 2016 In order to design such contexts is challenging as its human centered nature requires the designer to truly empathise with the future users of the space on both a subjective and objective level The relation between people and space A man is whatever room he is in Mad Men x understanding the relation between person and space A person's behaviour is directly related to their environment According to Ayalp 2012 the relation between person and space is complex and bilateral the person defines the space and the space defines the person This relation is affected cultural psychological economic and physical dimensions
This framework proposes that there are three components to be addressed when designing for SWB namely Design for Pleasure which focuses on enabling enjoyment on the here and now in the form of positive feelings Design for Personal Significance which is focused on one s personal goals and aspirations that comes in the form of awareness of past achievements or from a sense of progress towards a future goal and Design for Virtue which addresses that there is an ideal mode of behaviour expectation to which one should strive and thereby leading to a virtuous life Design can wake us up when our thoughts are automatic mode by altering the environment in order to provoke people be more reflective and self conscious when striving for behavioural changes Placing a bowl of fruit in the kitchen or even at your desk for example when trying to eat healthier snacks According to Peterson and Seligman 2004 six core virtues can be identified across cultures wisdom knowledge courage love humanity justice temperance and spirituality and transcendence These three components when in balance result in design for human flourishing In other words Positive Design does not need to address all components to the same degree as long as they have all three been taken into account The framework represent an approach to design for human flourishing which means being the best person one can be Ryan Deci 2001