514The continental drift demonstrated how continents shift positions on the earth's surface It was discovered and developed in the early 20th century The continents are combined to form a single supercontinent In addition the continents lay on slabs of rocks called tectonic plates The term plate is referred as large rigid blocks of an earth surface that moves together The theory of plate tectonics is the Earth's outer shell divided into several different plates that make a smooth continuous movement over the mantle All plates always remain moving interacting Even today the continental drift is still moving worldwide Evidence for and arguments against this theory Some arguments that were against the theory of continental drift was the lack of speaking on the theory of mechanism and how it works Scientists did not accept Wegener's theory of continental drift
They grind past each other without creating or destroying lithosphere Oceanic crust Oceanic older denser oceanic crust is subducted sinks below volcanic island is formed Aleutian islands trench forms Types of convergent boundaries Oceanic crust converging with continental crust Oceanic crust with oceanic crust Continental crust converging with continental crust Real-life applications of the continental drift theory The theory of the Continental drift can connect to the real-life because Around the same time a group of transatlantic telephone companies asked Heezen to locate areas of possible seismic or earthquake activity in the Atlantic Phone company officials reasoned that if they could find the areas most likely to experience seismic activity they could avoid placing their cables in those areas Science Clarified This piece of text proves how applying knowledge about the continental drift will help people have a better understanding of the things that happen around them In addition Studies have served to confirm the ideas of continental drift and plate tectonics while research conducted at sea bolsters seafloor spreading theory Using devices called magnetometers geologists have found that the orientation of magnetic minerals on one side of a rift mirrors that of materials on the other side
This suggests that the new rock on either side of the rift was formed simultaneously as seafloor spreading theory indicates Science Clarified This other piece of text evidence indicates that the continental drift can help geologists create new theories and ideas about things that are connected to the continental drift It gives them the opportunity to expand their understanding Tectonic plate movements and how they affect the surface The 3 different type of plate movements are Divergent Convergent Transform These plate movements are very effective because plates have the ability to interact with one another and cause massive destruction For example The consequences of plate movement are easy to see around Krafla Volcano in the northeastern part of Iceland Here existing ground cracks have widened and new ones appear every few months From 1975 to 1984 numerous episodes of rifting surface cracking took place along the Krafla fissure zone Some of these rifting events were accompanied by volcanic activity the ground would gradually rise 1 2 m before abruptly dropping signalling an impending eruption Pubs Pictures