701MEDICAL ASSISTANT 1 Medical Assistant Job Overview Where did you get this from It needs a citation MEDICAL ASSISTANT 2 The education and experience needed is the completion of a medical assisting program As a medical assistant you will be working in many areas so you will end up getting to train in these areas Administration clinical and laboratory all of which have their own specific responsibilities These responsibilities include some of the following as an administrative medical assistant you will be responsible for answering phones scheduling patients and filling out insurance claims As a clinical medical assistant you will be drawing blood giving injections and assisting in minor surgical procedures As a laboratory medical assistant you will be handling urine blood and other specimens The expected outcome for a medical assistant is great The demand for this occupation is expected to significantly grow There have been an increasing number of medical assistants
With diagnostic care a medical assistant would be performing tests like ECGs collecting preparing and transmitting laboratory specimens Lastly there is the treatment portion this includes duties such as removing sutures or changing dressings on wounds performing first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation assisting with asepsis and infection control and assisting with minor surgeries MEDICAL ASSISTANT 4 The role in laboratory is fast paced and can be very stressful there are many skills that are recommended that you have some basic skills These skills include the following analytical skills computer skills manual dexterity good color vision attention to detail and ease under pressure Aside from basic lab skills such as collecting preparing and transmitting specimens there are some additional duties that may come if you specialize as a medical lab assistant According to Medical Laboratory Assistant n d this includes some of the following tasks Receiving laboratory specimens preparing those specimens for testing manually testing the specimens examining the specimens for the presence or absence of certain cells or biological matter reporting those findings and finally recording those lab test results Medical assistants are a vital hand in the medical field With there always being medical advance s there is always an increased workload It is best for
Doctors to have someone to lean on to help with the workload As a Medical Assistant you are trained in many areas making you a large asset Medical Assistants roles can be tailored to the environment needed by the Doctor's office or Hospital There are many Doctors that don t understand the full range of a Medical Assistant so their skills are often underused MEDICAL ASSISTANT 5 References Medical Laboratory Assistant n d Retrieved January 01 2018 from http www medicalassistants net medical lab assistants Booth K A Whicker L Wyman T D 2017 Medical assisting administrative and clinical procedures with anatomy and physiology New York NY Mcgraw Hill Pfeffer K n d Rasmussen College Retrieved December 12 2017 from http www Rasmussen edu degrees health sciences blog what does a medical administrative assistant do Tache S Chapman S 2005 April 01 What a Medical Assistant Can Do for Your Practice Retrieved January 01 2018 from https www aafp org fpm 2005 0400 p51 html printable fpm Annotations Page 2