Essay Example on The long standing objections leveled against the Quran









The long standing objections leveled against the Quran by critics is how it appears to have a structural unity and lacks anything of the kind of orderly arrangement Arguments include that it is riddled with unsettling shifts of scene location subject and is filled with unpredictability which results in conclusion that the Quran is just a remarkable compilation of unrelated passages at best I will attempt to analyze several of the Quranic verses based on our assigned readings with linguistic stylistics and analyzing the recurring themes throughout the surah to prove that there exists a stylistic unity in the Quran In this analysis I will focus on the Quranic surah The Dawn 89 In this surah the contents show that it was revealed at the beginning phase of persecution of the new converts to Islam had begun in Mecca The people of Mecca have been warned of cataclysmic end of the great tribes of Ad and Thamud and of the Pharaohs kingdom Its theme is to uphold the allocation of rewards and retribution in the afterlife the presence of an omnipotent God and a critique to the general ethical state of mankind In the first verse the oaths may generally imply that the alternation of the day and night cycles in the sense that the dates of the month go on altering from the 1st to the 2nd and from 2nd to the 3rd and so on then every alteration brings with it something new This of course can be a clear interpretation of a symbol of regularity that exists in the night and day cycle and swearing oaths by these raises the question for mankind 

Even after witnessing this wise system established by God do you still need any other evidence to show that it is not beyond the power of that of an omnipotent being who has brought about this system to establish the afterlife and asserts the question of are these four things not enough to convince a rational man of the certainty of this matter so that he may need yet another evidence for it Thematically this verse points to the reality that an omnipotent being is ruling over this universe The following verse 89 6 14 reasoning using man s own history the cataclysmic end of the Ad and the Thamud tribes and the Pharaohs kingdom has been cited as an example to show that continuous transgression and multiplied corruption on earth results in retribution by God The mention of the conduct of a few great tribes and civilizations of history and their downfall is meant to point out that the universe is not working under arbitrary law of nature but instead proof of an omnipotent God is ruling over it ergo continuing the theme from the previous verse Similarly in the following line the words Your lord is hiding and waits 89 14 might have been used metaphorically for a God that keeps watch on the movements and activities of the evildoers and watching all their misdeeds and at any given moment would unleash his retribution upon them which asserts the existence of an all seeing and all knowing God The theme of criticism of men s materialistic view of life and the reward and punishment system of the afterlife is more prevalent in this next verse 89 15 26 It refers to how many regards the wealth and position and power of this world alone as everything When he has it he is filled with pride and says my lord has honored me 89 17 and when he fails to obtain it he says my lord has treated me with disdain 89 19

Thus the criterion of honor and humiliation in his sight is the possession of wealth and position and power or the absence of it whereas the actual truth which he does not understand is that whatever God has given anybody in the world has been given for the sake of a trial Again we are able to go back and correlate the two themes with the thematic approach of an all powerful creator Which once again appears in the verse after 89 20 24 the line When the lord and the angels approach rank on rank arrayed 89 22 can be interpreted as an allegorical expression which is meant to give an idea that at that time the manifestations of Gods immense majesty and sovereignty will appear entirely as for example in the world the arrival of a king in person in the court is more awe inspiring than the mere array of his forces and chiefs and nobles The importance of the stylistic unity in theme of this specific surah is of course directly correlated with one of the pillars Islam which is the affirmation and oneness of God and refers to the interior unity of an omnipotent being all seeing hearing knowing and willing

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