278Prior to the Civil War the United States was searching for places to export goods the efforts to find a foreign market to offload the economic goods was stopped due to the beginning of the Civil War Washington State University Large amounts of materials were being produced in country in order to stabilize the economy The Civil War allowed the northern states to increase their manufacturing capacity in order to sell their goods to the war efforts Washington State University The manufacturing capacity had been devoted to the war efforts and was continued through reconstruction Norton 2015 This time period had many struggling One example of the reconstruction and age of American imperialism is written in Jacob Riis Chronicles the Struggles of the Urban Poor Jacob Riis is known to be one of the best known writers to investigate the problems facing poor and working class residents of America Riis 2009 Riis spent years observing and taking photographs of different people in different places in New York City in the 1800s With his experiences he wrote a book titled How the Other Half Lives In the book he described the dirty overcrowded situations he encountered in the tenements this sad truth forcing many middle class Americans and government officials to confront the problems faced in the nation's urban slums
This leading to the establishment of the Tenement House Commission to improve the design of urban housing and provide safe and clean living conditions for the poor Riis 2009 Riis shares his encounters with many families who were forced to live in tiny dirty and in many cases unsafe homes As the population grew significantly the town needed more places to live falling into the hands of the real estate agents and boarding house keepers Riis 2009 Many large rooms were made into several smaller ones which at times had no light or ventilations With the overcrowding diseases filled the streets and death rates were high Especially with young due to suffocation in the bad air in the unventilated apartments Riis 2009 Rent became hard and many times when things broke in the tiny apartments with many people living in them the tenants were forces to fix them leaving many things not fixed To add to the struggles crime increased year by year especially with the juvenile population The author attempted to paint a picture of what many within the poor population was dealing with The sad truths about the streets where many were forced in hopes of a better life The reasons in which he wrote his book was created was to show to those who turned a blind eye to the life of those less fortunate what was truly happening Riis 2009 This can be considered reflective of the major events of the reconstruction and the age of American Imperialism time in history as it demonstrates what life was like once many moved into American in hopes of finding marketable living
The overcrowding and fight for a life has became a culture shift for the United States and it also gave a lot of power to real estate market Riis 2009 Another source of information during the reconstruction and the age of American Imperialism came from President Theodore Roosevelt who discussed the growing public discontent with the power and influence of large corporations and expresses a willingness to increase federal government regulation of big business Roosevelt 2009 At the President of the United States following the assassination of William McKinley Roosevelt set the stage for the progressive reforms that he implemented during his presidency after offering his views on a wide range od issues facing the nation Roosevelt 2009 Roosevelt reports that with the rapid industrial development came very serious social problems With the increase in the business world some individual and especially large corporates found great fortunes Roosevelt also says that the average man wage worker farmer and trader have never been so well off then during this time As a country we must stick together with the exception that at times of prosperity some will prosper far more and in times of adversity some will suffer far more than others Roosevelt 2009 Within the source Defining Moments
The overcrowding and fight for a life has became a culture shift for the United States and it also gave a lot of power to real estate market Riis 2009 Another source of information during the reconstruction and the age of American Imperialism came from President Theodore Roosevelt who discussed the growing public discontent with the power and influence of large corporations and expresses a willingness to increase federal government regulation of big business Roosevelt 2009 At the President of the United States following the assassination of William McKinley Roosevelt set the stage for the progressive reforms that he implemented during his presidency after offering his views on a wide range od issues facing the nation Roosevelt 2009 Roosevelt reports that with the rapid industrial development came very serious social problems With the increase in the business world some individual and especially large corporates found great fortunes Roosevelt also says that the average man wage worker farmer and trader have never been so well off then during this time As a country we must stick together with the exception that at times of prosperity some will prosper far more and in times of adversity some will suffer far more than others Roosevelt 2009 Within the source Defining Moments