326The use of these chemicals such as Benzene the product in plastic water bottles causes detrimental health effects to consumers such as cancer and birth defects while also contaminate local and nearby ground water air soil The EPA does not abide to the violations that the companies know that they are breaking by producing chemicals into the air and soil and the population near these plants pay in their health and lives Another standard that the EPA does not follow is producing enough recycling capacity There are only being paid by municipalities which are the cities expenses and not the water bottling companies so that the water bottle companies do not have to pay for any resources for recycling Due to the lack of resources for proper recycling much of the trash ends up not being recycled and detrimentally pollutes the ocean that causes detrimental effects the environment For example an estimate of 50 of Americans don't have curbside recycling Tapped This other 50 of recycling has no opportunity to make it to the recycling and eventually ends up in the ocean The EPA sees curbside recycling as easy accessible to citizens however half of Americans do not have the opportunity to recycle since they do not have curbside recycling and there are no other way of recycling other than curbside
The EPA has shown that they do not care enough to supply proper resources to recycling and therefore are not living to the standards in which they state that their recycling process is easily accessible to everyone In an experiment conducted to see the effects of the chemicals in water bottles on people testing was conducted which resulted in the findings Testing a dose 25 000 times lower than anybody had ever tested and what we found was that it profoundly damaged every single part of male developing mouse reproductive system Tapped The test results concluded that the chemicals found in the water bottles had damaged every single aspect of the reproductive system on the developing mouse These results can conclude that it is not safe for consumers to be drinking from water bottles anymore Even after the testing dose was lowered significantly there is indisputable detrimental health factors which result in consuming water out of plastic water bottles When it comes the the multiple large corporation water bottle companies they have absolute dominion which means that the largest pump gets the most water from where they are mining water
The water that they are taking from the reservoirs is where these corporations making millions of dollars because they pump the water for free and then resell it making a sizable profit off of stealing water from small communities For example In Fryeburg Maine Nestles Arrowhead comes in to the local Water Mine and made 3 6 billion dollars in 2008 in water sales Nestle Bought land and started pumping water is free and then sells it It costs 5 11 cents a gallon They sell it for 4 bucks a gallon Tapped These water bottle companies have treated free water in small communities and reservoirs as a commodity which has eventually lead to their corporate ownership of water in which people need to stop supporting these companies stealing free water and profiting off of these unsafe product for consumers There is evident detrimental health issues that consuming water from plastic water bottles has on citizens however the EPA continuously ignores this issue that they stimulate which is becoming an urgent problem on the environment and on its consumers