304The North American Free Trade Agreement is a treaty that includes three countries America Canada and Mexico NAFTA is the world s biggest free trade agreement The GDP of its individuals is worth more than 20 trillion NAFTA was the outcome of 14 months of escalated debate in 1991 and 1992 It was approved by the Canadian the U S also Mexican government bodies in 1993 and was made official in January 1994 Before NAFTA Canada and the U S had an exchange agreement called the Canada U S America is Canada's biggest exchanging partner by a wide margin Indeed the value of the Canadian and U S trade was worth an outstanding 752 billion dollars Here are ways Canadians have benefited from NAFTA more selection of goods expanding trade volume expanding foreign direct investment freer movement of professionals and investors across the border the growth of new occupations more income coming into the Canada Canadian Government and Canadian recognition looking at an international perspective was increasing drastically The unique Canadian identity was being realised and being looked at more considering the fact that Canada was part of the biggest trade agreement Also this might also brink curiosity in other countries and they might try to become trading partners or engaged in some kind of activity with Canada and get to know them This will spread awareness of Canada thus developing the Canadian identity Section B Canada's energy future lies in the oil sands
Having Canadian cities host the Olympic games has allowed Canadians in particular to change its stereotypical provincial image they have historically held The Olympics lets Canadians showcase their unique culture and identity on a global platform Canada first began its life as a settler community during the rise of the British Empire As time went on the country slowly grew away from being linked to the empire and became increasingly dependent on trade and investment links with the USA One legacy that has remained until recently is that much of Canada's cultural is seen as a combination of neighbouring countries Canadian cities such as Montreal Calgary and Vancouver before they hosted the Olympic games were widely viewed as provincial outposts of American or British cultures rather than centres of their own unique cultural identity