359All these facts are undeniably indicative of the need of reasonable policy to be combined with appropriate laws in order to respond to the vital necessity of empowering women Removal of deeply affirmed barriers to equality discriminatory laws customs and practices are a tremendous challenge standing in front of every contemporary political leader Hence gender equality is the fifth of seventeen sustainable development goals of the UN for 2017 Even today the places in the parliament taken by female representatives are unacceptably fewer than the ones occupied by the male ones Understanding clearly the utmost seriousness of this problem new world leaders such as Emmanuel Macron whose party LREM fielded a gender balanced candidate list and Justin Trudeau undertook empowerment measures related to adding more women in ministerial positions within their governments This resulted in unprecedented success especially for France as it became 17th in the world rankings of female parliamentary representation In contrast there was a radical drop for the US which took 96th position in this area with female political empowerment at its lowest rate in 10 years What is more a BBC report2 broaches the subject of inequality by showing women s income worldwide is relatively smaller than men s due to not only gendered salary differences but also their tendency to work in lower paid professions or part time jobs Overall if we concentrate on the bigger picture this phenomenon has detrimental impact on billions of women by curtailing their right to live productively and in addition affects the global economy too In a new report McKinsey Global Institute4 proves that global economy would grow by 28 trillion by 2025 if women participated in the labor force to the same degree as men a 26 increase and almost equivalent to the combined GDPs of the US and China
All mentioned above confirms the interconnection between the psychological and economic side of the problem Albeit it is undoubtedly unfair for the world not to be a level playing field for both genders the real damage on women s consciousness appears the moment when inequality evolves into violence As an institution with a leading role in human rights protection the Council of Europe came to a decision it was necessary to set standards with the aim to stop and combat violence against women and domestic violence Therefore the Istanbul Convention3 The Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence was opened for signature on 11 May 2011 and entered into force on 1 August 2014 It is mainly based on the concept that violence against women is a form of gender based violence that is deliberately committed against them by virtue of their sex Every state which has signed the Convention is enforced to establish rules for violence prevention of women for protection of the victims and prosecution of the outlaws The Convention insists on state parties implementing coordinated policies involving government agencies local parliaments and authorities The aim is that through the joined forces of all relevant agencies and institutions the gender based violence and discrimination of women would be ended In order for the Convention to be rewarding and applicable in various countries the global leaders should estimate a certain situation through an unbiased viewpoint which could be formed only through the broad knowledge that the disciplines of Law Politics and Economics would provide them with Also a significant part would play the Psychological approach because most commonly the reasons standing at the core of violence and prejudice are related to childhood unhappiness emotional instability and religious beliefs Lastly one of the most defining factors for gender inequality is the lack of legal guarantee for equivalent education Consequently if women were provided legally with equal qualifications and were supported by the society they would be as eligible for prestigious job positions as men As previously mentioned their equal participation in the labor market would be extremely beneficial for the global economy and would make it thrive Not to be missed is that in psychological aspect the legal equality would result in their higher self esteem and would provoke their ambitiousness