Essay Example on The objective is comprehensive study related to 5G Technology









Abstract The objective is comprehensive study related to 5G technology of mobile communication In 5G researches are related to development and evolution of World Wide Wireless Web WWWW Dynamic Ad Hoc Wireless Networks DAWN and Real Wireless Communication The most important technologies are Wireless Local Area Networks WLAN and Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks WMAN Ad hoc Wireless Personal Area Network WPAN and Wireless networks for digital communication 5G technology is independent of other technologies 5th generation mobile networks or 5th generation wireless systems abbreviated as 5G The next telecommunication standards operating in the millimetre wave 5G planning aims at higher capacity than 4G its allowing higher density of mobile broadband users reliable and massive communication 5G technology aims at lower latency lower battery consumption and implementation of internet of things The 5G technology include all types of advanced features Keywords WLAN 5G GSM WWWW WMAN DAWN Introduction Today phone has smallest size large memory camera video player Bluetooth and so on Recently with the development of all we can share files using a Bluetooth up to a range of 50 meters 

The creation and entry of 5G technology into mobile marketplace will launch a new revolution The future of mobile System is largely dependent on the development and evolution of 4G systems 4G is used independent from other technologies With gradual growth of high speed data support to multimegabits per second an integration of services will happen The transformation changes from 4G systems to 5G include a wireless world wide web support to have high flexible and changeable ad hoc networks There are no standards for 5G deployment The next mobile technology should fulfil the following requirements Data rates of tens of megabits per second for tens of thousands of users Data rates of 100 megabits per second for metropolitan areas 1 Gb per second simultaneously to many workers on the same office floor Several hundreds of thousands of simultaneous connections for wireless sensors Spectral efficiency significantly enhanced compared to 4G Coverage improved Signaling efficiency enhanced Latency reduced significantly compared to LTE Mobile and wireless networks have made remarkable development in the last few years In now a days many mobile phones have also a WLAN adapter 

One may expect that near soon many mobile phones will have Wax adapter too besides their 3G 2G WLAN Bluetooth etc We are using IP for both generations Challenges in migration from 4G Multi mode user terminals Choice among various wireless systems Security Network infrastructure and QoS support Charging and Billing Attacks on Application Level Jamming and spoofing Data Encryption 5G COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM The mobile communications system in 5g will create a major change in the way mobile communications networks operate This can be achieved though 5G new radio and 5G NextGen Core Network 5G New Radio 5G NR 5G new radio is the new name for the 5G radio access network It consists of the different elements needed for the new radio access network Using a far more flexible technology the system is able to respond to the different and changing needs of mobile users whether they be a small IoT node or a high data user stationary or mobile 5G NextGen Core Network 5G initially utilised the use and support of 3G networks The major aim of this system is to have a network that can handle larger volume of data which can support less latency NEED FOR 5G MOBILE COMMUNICATION 5G has better coverage area and high data rate at the edge of the cell It has low battery consumption Availability of multiple data transfer path Around 1 Gbps data rate is easily possible Security is more Energy efficiency and spectral efficiency are good FUTURISTIC SCENARIOS AND 5G COMPLIANCE In 2020 the society will be connected society The Internet of thing together will change the lives people in future generation In future people who depend on Smart living will need unchangeable or constant connectivity to the network to upload their day to day activity data and IoT control commands thus generating a massive reporting uplink data flow 

The machine to machine communications will a major role in industry operations and service delivery Vehicular ad hoc networks VANETs are constantly advancing By 2020 VANETs integrated with cellular networks will be in operation as VANET cloud leading to a smarter and safer transportation system When the number of devices connected to the Internet passes tens or hundreds of billions in the coming decade the offloading of networked data on unlicensed bands will play a critical role in network load balancing providing guaranteed bit rate services and a reduction in control signaling Hence it is important that 5G will provide seamless compatibility with dense heterogeneous networks to satisfy the high demand of real time traffic so that end users will experience smooth connectivity to the network JUSTIFICATION The 5G technology is designed as an open platform on different layers from the physical layer up to the application Presently the current work is in the modules that shall offer the best Operating System and lowest cost for a specified service using one or more than one wireless technology at the same time from the 5G mobile

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