338The outcome of Battles of Saratoga caused France to recognize America as a real country and eventually caused France to ally with the Americans and declare war on Britain The Franco American alliance that came out of this American victory caused the Americans to receive many troops supplies clothing food and weapons that were crucial to winning the Revolutionary War On its own America had ample men to bear arms but lacked the arms ammunition and money to defeat Britain Unger 17 Because of the victory of the Americans in the Battles of Saratoga and the Americans alliance with France France sent over twelve thousand soldiers to fight with the Continental Army Just one ship the Mercury that was sent to America from France carrying supplies contained more than twelve thousand muskets fifty tons of powder and large quantities of cloth caps shoes stockings and blankets American Revolution FAQs Alden 120 during the Revolutionary War
War has greater validity than the alternate view that the Battles of Saratoga did not impact or had little impact of France's decision to provide the resources to the Americans that were highly important in the Americans winning the Revolutionary War After France joined the war after the Battles of Saratoga Spain and the Netherlands were encouraged to join the war on Britain On April 12th 1779 France allied with Spain in the American Revolutionary War against Britain This Franco Spanish alliance was called the Treaty of Aranjuez The Spanish and French initiated and made this treaty official without consulting the Americans Chavez 133