Essay Example on The Population of Homeless People are Suffering and They Need our Help








The population of homeless people are suffering and they need our help At least everyday approximately 800 000 people are homeless Most homeless people have some form of a disability or condition severely limiting them Majority of homeless people don't have any source of income And people that don't have money or a house or an income may be related to drug use Because they have nothing else to do and they may be still addicted to whatever they were using Homelessness is bad in America but not as bad in the Philippines which there are 1 200 000 homeless kids reported every year The term Homelessness means a person without a home and therefore typically living on the streets In the early 1970 s the rate of homelessness went down but in the 2000 s it had doubled in number from 10 000 to 20 000 People that have the availability to a grocery store is very small population This helps illustrate just how far some families live from the convenience of fresh food availability

Their access to the types of foods and nutrients that aid in survival is hardly present let alone access to actual healthy food which will help prevent common diseases such as the flu and some viral disease which can cause some costly health care bills People tend to make food choices based on what is available in their neighborhood Fast food restaurants sometimes become a replacement for healthy groceries in low income areas where obesity is common and related to negative health factors a significant problem and barrier to those living in poverty Since 2012 the median price of a home has doubled the average rental price jumped 17 between 2014 and 2016 This is bad for people that need a home or that need a place to stay or live Between 2007 and 2015 New Orleans reduced its homelessness rate by 85 Primarily by providing housing And in Reno Nevada the homeless rate is very high as compared to New Orleans which at one was the one of the highest populated places that was homeless But the city's government had to get a lot of people to get money for temporary shelters This is good for the homeless people in New Orleans but the Reno city s government really need to consider looking into this Because it is a very big issue that needs to be solved Although homelessness is hard to measure available statistics suggest that Renos homeless population is on the rise even as America homelessness population as a whole is declining Economist

Many homeless people die when it's too hot too cold or too wet These are people who need real resources like a place to stay or a shelter food and clothes This is very true because all of them need this and more and all for everything The community believes that the issues that cause a person to be homeless unemployment poverty mental health can be better addressed once they actually have a home This is for the homeless because they can be saved by this project Homelessness is an issue that pervades many societies around the world but it seems to be an exceptional struggle for the United States Neiditch Homelessness in Des Moines is not as bad as in other places in the world It depends on where someone is located when they are homeless or in danger of becoming homeless I agree with this because whenever they become homeless that is most likely where they will stay And some ways you can help the homeless is find a local nonprofit local organization and ask what you can to help Most organizations will find work to do This might include making food or bringing in food bringing people not in a shelter supplies such as water and food This is most likely the best place to go when you are homeless because it is a good place to live in Lewis The social injustice that Americans face by living in poor conditions needs to be solved fast by providing farmers markets in these areas

This issue is not one that can be solved by the people trapped being homeless but should they instead be solved by the states governments or individuals working to provide the inexpensive healthy foods that these families need to survive and thrive Americans don't deserve to not have the access that the rest of their country does to high quality food and this will continue to be a factor that prevents Americans from escaping a cycle of homelessness into which they were born Consider the comfort that knowing you will have dinner each night can provide you as you go to school and study and dream of a life outside of poverty That could be a reality for all Americans if we commit to making this happen

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