Essay Example on The research problem is a verbal procedure involving the precise Breakdown








The research problem is a verbal procedure involving the precise breakdown of the topic into questions and problems If we want it to be correct it must meet several conditions formulated problems must exhaust the scope of our ignorance contained in the research topic formulations should contain all general relationships between variables the problem should be empirically and practically decidable in the concept phase you can not be sure about it The research question may be inappropriate behavior of students at school We always look for the research problem when we examine something But before we get to that we must first choose the method that we will examine the phenomenon By the research method we mean the way of reaching the goal that science is setting for itself The main methodological requirements include research methods and methods of cognition should follow the principles of the scientific method of cognition dialectical and historical materialism the dialectic method requires consideration of phenomena as interrelated and conditioned requires the researcher to know the richness of a given material in a comprehensive way The historical material teaches how to show the close historical dependence of all educational institutions such or other forms of social consciousness pedagogical theories from the socio economic structure in a given historical period In addition to these general requirements there are several more methodical postulates in pedagogy During the entire research process we distinguish three phases the concept phase the phase of research and the analysis of these tests and drawing conclusions In first we are preparing for research and we have to do things like

Determining the object and purpose of the research this task is before us when we realize the necessity of conducting empirical research Formulation of research problems verbal treatment consisting in precise breaking of the topic into questions and problems If we want it to be correct it must meet several conditions formulated problems must exhaust the scope of our ignorance contained in the research topic the formulations should contain all general relationships between variables the problem should be decidable empirically and practically Formulating hypotheses a certain amount of theoretical knowledge about the studied phenomena is necessary this knowledge should be detailed the scope of this knowledge can be divided into two groups information about the studied area demographic type economic type etc and knowledge of research and the result of similar research carried out in another area general knowledge in the field of education social pedagogy elements of sociology After gaining appropriate knowledge one can begin to formulate hypotheses Selection of the research area or sample selection it is primarily a typology of all issues features and indicators that must be examined found in the appropriate area in relevant social groups or in social systems and phenomena and then the selection of regions groups phenomena and institutions as objects of our interest The choice of the research area is only part of the task if it concerns a small group the matter is simple because we can examine all the elements of the system we are interested in If the research concerns a wide area the researcher must identify groups of units that will represent the whole 

Development of research techniques the stage includes preparation of the entire research workshop with all the details necessary for efficient conducting research Pilot study is a verification of our initial knowledge about the environment its nature diversity and processes taking place in it It is also an opportunity to check the efficiency of the research tools we have chosen and developed for our cognitive intentions Pilot studies are to give us a picture of the studied environment in its main outlines Preparation of the final version of the issue working hypotheses and research tools the knowledge obtained in previous stages may become the basis for changing the sound of the title of our work it may broaden or narrow it down as it turns out that obtaining knowledge about certain issues is impossible or incomplete knowledge Pilot studies are of great importance here because thanks to them we have obtained confirmation or refutation of the previously assumed existence of certain dependencies between phenomena but we could obtain data on the existence of phenomena or features earlier in hypotheses not included The second phase consists in carrying out proper research basic research should start immediately after completing the pilot studies the research should run smoothly and last as short as possible because one must remember about the dynamics of social transformations Our task is to register a certain state in time and space with the use of research tools This requires research at a time when there are no events that may affect the social systems we study This rule does not apply to experimental research basing its assumptions on just such circumstances which allow to register for example a specific state of public opinion before and after a given variable is introduced The last phase consists in organizing all research materials and analyzing them and drawing conclusions We highlight here such activities as Ordering can be carried out according to the following principles the scope of issues issues of general or specific Social group or type of phenomenon or social dependence students parents group peer distance from school etc No it is always possible to carry out such precise divisions If there is no such possibility at least logical arrangement of issues and facts should be made

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