Essay Example on The revolution took place in 1917 It involved the October Revolution









The Russian Revolution The revolution took place in 1917 It involved the October Revolution as well as the February Revolution The February Revolution This revolution led to a number of things in Russia Tsar Nicholas II was removed from power This was brought about by the series of increased violent demonstrations and riots at Petrograd This is a popular town in Russia Tsar was not in the capital when this happened McMeekin 2017 It is important to note that this revolution was a popular uprising but it did not take care of the expectations of many Russians This is because the event was majorly limited to Petrograd city It is important to note that majority of those who assumed governance in the provisional government and the Petrograd Soviet after the February Revolution considered rules that were partially democratic Swain 2017 The October Revolution This revolution was also referred to as the Bolshevik Revolution It overturned the interim provisional government and came up with the Soviet Union Slezkine 2017 It was a deliberate event that was fueled by a small group of people The leaders of the coup were known as Bolsheviks They organized their coup in a period of six months People in Russia viewed them as an extremist group and did not give them the expected support when they started putting in serious efforts in April 1917 Brenton 2016 Bolsheviks had gained popularity by October 1917 

They had the support of people in Petrograd as well as other urban centers in Russia The Bolsheviks noticed that they could lose governance in a system that was based on an election if they failed to share power with other parties They decided to act fast and abandoned the democratic process in January 2018 Rappaport 2017 They later declared themselves the representatives of the dictatorship of the proletariat It is important to note that the Russian Civil War broke out after the declaration This happened in the summer of the year It lasted until the year 1920 Colley 2012 The role of World War I in bringing about the revolutions The Russian Revolution of 1917 was directly catalyzed by World War I The government of Russia performed poorly in the Great War The World War I also brought about a lot of stress to the Russian society and economy The Russian people were unhappy with the regime and decided to rebel Smele 2006 The economic issues greatly geared the revolution because there was a big gap between the rich and the poor in the country It is important to note that the poor were the majority class in Russia The poor people became poorer because of World War I They were tired of being used to fund the war instead of funding their country This resulted in the food shortage in Russia and this angered the poor They felt that the regime did not care about them anymore The military also rebelled after they were ordered by tsar to fire into the crowd of their people Mieville 2017 The significance of Lenin's return to Russia Vladimir Lenin is a significant person in the history of Russia He had gone into exile for some years and returned to his country later on His return was a great relief to the citizens of the country because he was the man behind the revolution He knew that Russians were suffering and saw the need of fighting for them He took over the governance of Russia when the revolution process became successful It is important to note that Vladimir Lenin later became the virtual dictator of the first Marxist state in the world He was a powerful man and many countries respected him for that Among the things that he did when he was in power include making peace with Germany D Agostino 2011 

His government also worked hard towards nationalizing industry and distributing land to its people Lenin ensured that all Russians are given a priority in Russia and they enjoyed living in their country He is the father of the patriotism that we see in Russia today He taught citizens how to love and put their country first before anything else Vladimir Lenin succumbed to death in 1924 He received a decent burial and many countries celebrated him for who he was Conclusion It took a civil war for Lenin and the Bolsheviks to attain their authoritarian power Their state was established as a USSR The revolution enabled other countries to respect and fear Russia unlike before The civil war gave Russians their freedom This enabled them to settle down and focus on building their nation that had been destroyed by poor governance The current relationship between Russia and other countries has improved They have become a powerful country that provides aid to many second and third world countries in the world today They also have the most powerful military in the world today

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