Essay Example on The social media usage in our lives today is Prevalent









Social media is a force for good The social media usage in our lives today is prevalent Not only has it rapidly grown in popularity but it has become an accepted part of our culture Many say that it does more harm than good this is however untrue The positives of social media far out weigh the negatives If this were not true then 38 million British people would not actively use social networking Some of the positives of social media include communication with people all around the world is easy and efficient it provides people with business opportunities and it helps businesses to find employees and also to uncover a bit about their potential new workers personal lives Social media is a force for good It allows us to communicate with others around the globe quickly and with ease Before social media was on the go we had to find other ways to communicate such as writing letters or by mouth These methods were time consuming as if you wanted to tell someone something you could not simply send a quick message via social media In a survey of the top 10 social networking motivations unsurprisingly the top motive with 55 of those surveyed was being able to stay in touch with what my friends are doing Social media can be used to tell people instantly about a vast range of things whether that may be a big life announcement such as an engagement or a birth of a child or something much smaller like what one has just eaten 

Advertising through social media is effective particularly if a company is trying to advertise to a younger audience as according to research 99 of people aged 16 24 use social media at least once a week Another example of social media providing a platform to set up a business is the work done by YouTubers In a recent study YouTube was considered to have the most positive effect of young people YouTubers have launched their own brands like Zoella Beauty and Tanya Burr Cosmetics Both of these brands marketing has been largely over social media as profiles can be set up for free and vast amounts of people can access it too As social media is such a accepted part of our culture businesses are now creating jobs and employing people to solely run the businesses social media platforms Businesses find social media beneficial as it presents opportunities to both job seekers and businesses looking to hire new employees Businesses can uncover bits of information about potential workers and get an idea of what they are like before meeting them properly A great number of businesses seek to strive excellent customer service and need to ensure they retain a good reputation When employing new staff it is important to make the correct choice to uphold these high standards and it all starts with simple background checks Undoubtedly social networking has revolutionised the speed of the news cycle Most news organisations now rely on social media sites to collect and share information Social media especially Twitter is steadily becoming a mainstream source for breaking news Today one can know in real time what is happening throughout the world 

The new found speed of communication and global visibility has been used as a force for good As social media allows quick communication this can be particularly effective for people from different sides of the world to connect about an issue they feel passionate about and raise awareness UNICEF have numerous social media platforms including Instagram and Twitter This allows the charity to share stories and raise awareness for children who are living in a vast array of unimaginable circumstances The Instagram account has two million followers All of whom want to see the world change and so are able to connect with each other through this social media account Charities such as the one described are attempting to change the lives those less fortunate and by having social media platforms and injecting their causes into everyday lives people take notice of the situations in other countries and become involved themselves Social media also provides people with a good platform to set up a business As society moves into a more digital age an increasing amount of business is now taking plane online and social media is playing a big part in this Social media in businesses is mainly used for marketing purposes To continue to keep up with their competitors businesses must advertise through social media to ensure they have the best chance of generating as much profit as possible For example many businesses use celebrity endorsement to do so 

This has led to the development of a nearly instantaneous news cycle as everything from terrorist attacks to local car crashes are shared on social media quickly alerting their intended audience of the event The efficiency and practicality for news being shared on social media is appropriate for aiding the police Often when incidents involving the police are reported a plea is put out for anyone who may have any information to come forward and share it with the authorities Part of the increase in the speed of news can be attributed to smartphones The percentage of individuals accessing social media via their phone or mobile device continues to rise A 2014 Pew Centre study states that 40 percent of smartphone users access social media from their phones and 28 percent do it on a daily basis Social media is a force for good To conclude social media is a fundamental part of our modern-day society and there are numerous reasons for this to be the case Social media is powerful tool for communication business and the spread of news In the developed world we live in its value is undeniable Social media is a force for good

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