Essay Example on The story shows how was the life of women was in 1800's








The story shows how was the life of women was in 1800's and how women can get away The women name Mrs Mallard is the main character in this story and shows how she feels about her husband s death she is also suffering from heart disease Mrs Mallard heard the news of her husband s death by her sister and Richard And she feels sad and excuse herself and goes to her room but after going to the room she is the obviously sad but also feeling immense happiness She is happy for being free from her husband The story how women use to live their lives in 1800 s The women Mrs Mallard is a housewife who is not allowed to work or get the job or if any women are not happy in her marriage than also they are not allowed to divorce or run away Even if women decide to do so they cannot They do not have any money or any job where they will run So the story starts with the news of Mrs mallards husband death when she came to know about her husband s death she went to the room and tell her sister not to follow her She was sad but a feeling of happiness also went through her body She thinks now she is free

At that time the only way to get out of any marriage was if she died or her husband dies When she heard her husband died she was happy of being free which is very rare at that time She was planning her rest of the years of her freedom She was free to do stuff for herself She was free of doing the stuff for her husband She can also put her happiness first and does not have to answer anybody but herself she does not have to ask for anything to anybody She was happy with little sadness Certainly that happiness of Mrs Mallard was not for too long her sister asks her to come outside the room She came while she was coming downstairs the front door opened and Mr Mallard was at the door and he was alive As soon as she realized her dream of freedom for rest of the years was shattered she collapsed on the floor at that moment She was taken to doctor and doctor told everyone that she was dead Her husband was not aware of his death story put outside by his company till now And when Louise s sister told him that his company put the list out of the people killed in the railroad disasters So she gave the news of that to Mr Mallard and he said that he was working far away from the disaster and he was alive his company might have by mistakenly printed his name on the list of killed people

The author was that Mr mallard s wife just died and after this now he is talking about all this Mr Mallard is not so sad about his wife s death because he still has an option to remarry and start his life all over again On the other hand the women of that time were not given that option The story of an hour describes the situation of women in 1800 s sand how he was bind to husbands living and not have any freedom of living their own life How she always put her husband and family first before herself and does not have any type of freedom Even if she is not happy with her marriage than the only way to escape is either she dies or her husband Because as she is not allowed to go school or any type education she cannot have any job and if she does not have any job she does not have any money So she does not have any way to run away from her marriage So she was very happy with the fact that her husband died and she has her rest of the life to live according to her She does not have to answer anybody but herself When she came to know that her husband is alive her dream came to pieces In conclusion the dream of Mrs Mallard of an hour was coming to end when she sees her husband alive Because when she got the news of her husband she was sad but she was also very happy that now she can live her rest of the life freely But as she saw her husband walking in the door the dream she was having from and was broken and the shock of that she cannot handle it and died of the stroke As she was already having heart disease and this shock bring her heart attack and that is how this story shows the way women were treated or lived their life in 1800 s

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