Essay Example on The tragedy Oedipus the King written by Sophocles Review








In addition Oedipus becomes arrogant cursing and accusing the citizens of Delphi who are under his control Instead of thinking about the potential misfortune that could possibly befall him Oedipus acts out of arrogance accusing the people of the current plague that is being experienced This theme is imparted by the play Oedipus suffering is so deep and heartbreaking as it not only affects his life but his family and the people around him Soon it is revealed that the literary device irony is present in the play Oedipus s parents gave him to a shepherd so that they would be able to avoid the terrible fate according to which the infant would later kill is father and marry his mother Oedipus unknowingly kills his father and marries his own mother It is ironic that the father is moving away from this terrible fate As a king Oedipus couldn t see his people s suffering so he was determined to find out and punish the sinner of the city Oedipus comes to know that he himself was the murderer of his own father Although he is ashamed and embarrassed of the truth he accepts the reality bravely He doesn t face his fate like a coward instead he encounters his fate like a hero He illustrates the true characteristics of a tragic hero He gouges his eyes out leaving him permanently blind witnesses the death of his mother and is forced to leave the city leaving behind his children and his seat as king His pride and positive image has been destroyed causing pity inflicted by the audience The lines The fruits of his rage seem contrary to justice as his father and mother end up dead and he is left blind having stabbed his eyes so that from both of them the blood ran down his face not drop by drop but all at once in a dark shadow of gore emphasizes how tragic this play is The suffering he has endured now makes him a wise man however those he have left behind are left suffering Moreover Oedipus actions lead to the fatal death of Jocasta The murder of Laius leads to the joining of Oedipus and Jocasta in marriage This event leads to the ultimate despair and end of Jocasta because when Jocasta discovers that the prophecy of the oracle who foretold that her son would be his father s murderer and marry his mother has been fulfilled she is so miserable that she proceeds to hang herself Oedipus behavior and violence leads to the suicide of his wife and mother These events contribute to the melancholy and unfortunate temper of the play as a whole Additionally his actions causes his daughter s fate to be miserable

A tragic hero is likely described as a literary character who makes a judgement error that inevitably leads to his her own downfall The power of tragedy provides wisdom and enlightenment through suffering The tragedy Oedipus the King written by Sophocles gives insight into this Greek tragic vision The protagonist Oedipus weakness is revealed and his fall is made inevitable because fate operates in collaboration with his weakness thus bringing about his downfall Oedipus is a noble character however his fall is inevitable due to his arrogance and unexpected fate The suffering brought on by the sins of Oedipus contributes to the tragic vision of the work emphasizing that one s attempt to outwit the God s leads to terrible suffering for many Oedipus belief that he could escape the prophecy delivered to him by the oracle of Delphi eventually leads to the terrible suffering of his family and his downfall To begin it is stated at the beginning of the play that Oedipus sins are the reason for the current plague the city is suffering As it is learned there is famine in the land death is increasing and women are giving birth to stillborns The Greeks believed that any sin or transgression against the gods poisoned not only the sinner but the entire land leading to death and destruction It is evident that Oedipus gets blamed for the current plague when Tiresias states even though you see clearly do not see the scope of your evil nor where you live nor whom you dwell Do you know your true descent And secret you are an enemy to your own kin pg 433 437 Hence it can be said that Oedipus is the cause of all the suffering around him

Toward the end of the play its is seen that his daughters will be left without their father Due to Oedipus actions and downfall in the city his daughters will only be seen for who their father is and the sin that he has committed Thus they will be unlikely to ever get married and live the life that they desire Oedipus dirty deeds are implied to be an unfair penalty The violence that is endured within Oedipus precipitates into the destruction of his family Furthermore the suffering brought on by the sins of Oedipus contributes to the tragic vision of the work emphasizing that one s attempt to outwit the God s leads to terrible suffering for many Oedipus belief that he could escape the prophecy delivered to him by the oracle of Delphi eventually leads to the terrible suffering of his family and his downfall One has to accept one s moral responsibility though the tragedy revolved around fate The suffering of one is usually soaked up to those around

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