Essay Example on The way Morocco became an unlikely role Model









The way Morocco became an unlikely role model for climate change policy When thinking of climate change policy how many people think immediately of Morocco Not many But Morocco who is already withstanding the worst of climate change has been a role model for climate change policy With a mostly agriculture based economy Morocco has no room for error In 2015 a severe drought dropped their economic growth to just 1 5 In response Morocco has buckled down to adapt to climate change while diminishing its influence and generate new opportunities Morocco launched the Plan Vert or green strategy to manage with the peril of climate change it involves both adapting the country to the dangers of climate change and taking steps to lessen its impact on its people and environment all while creating opportunities such as aiding farmers adopt climate sensible techniques and increase their productivity and provide better links to marketplaces for their goods Morocco like all countries is suffering from the effects of climate change with the specifics linked to its geographical position and the diversity of its ecosystems Policy analysis using Kingdon's framework I will be using the Kingdon's framework to analyze the way in which climate change reached the top of the health agenda in Morocco Policy problems are apparent With rainfall more than 60 below average damaging agriculture across the country Morocco was in serious trouble 

Water reserves behind dams were dwindling it became expensive to even pump the water from aquifers Prayer sessions across the country were held on the request of Moroccan King Mohammed VI but with rain still lacking throughout the country there were obvious problems that must be solved These conditions were likely caused by climate change as over the last three decades the frequency intensity and duration of drought have increased and subsequently have led to an increase in their temporal persistence The drastic effects and terror that climate change can have on poor countries as well as high income countries alike are what has made climate change a must solve problem on the health agenda Policy solutions are available On 21 September 2016 Morocco ratified the Paris Agreement and submitted its Nationally Determined Contribution NDC with a goal of dropping Greenhouse gas emissions including land use land use change and forestry by 17 below business as usual by 2030 In Morocco s NDC they pledged to produce 52 of their electricity needs from renewable energy by 2030 They have removed all subsidies on diesel gasoline and heavy fuel oil to encourage more efficient use of energy and to free up capital to invest in the conversion to a green economy In response to the droughts that have wreaked havoc 

Morocco is trying to preserve its subversive aquifers a natural source of freshwater that if left clean and undisturbed replenishes itself It's A win for the environment and for current and future generations of Moroccans Morocco also launched the Plan Vert or green strategy to manage the hazards of climate change Morocco has begun treating its ocean as a natural resource with the same importance as the land with improved coastal zone management and the development of sustainable aquaculture Solutions to climate change are known universally and frankly the solutions that Morocco put into place were not only achievable but could bring massive change to the cause The availability of solutions has allowed climate change to rise to the top of the health agendas in most countries Political will is in place The 2016 United Nations Climate change conference was held in Morocco Is that a surprise It no longer should be Citizens and politicians alike have urged for change in Morocco From farmers to fisherman to people in the private sector the majority of people in Morocco have backed the changes made to make the country more sustainable and less susceptible to climate changes effects such as drought The will of climate change policy doesn t stop at the citizens of Morocco either Morocco was committed to a closer cooperation with African countries to enable them to adapt to climate change and strengthen the resilience of their economies

Morocco represents the voice of Africa especially regarding the issue of financing and technology transfer and to emphasize the need to strengthen regional and international cooperation with the idea of bringing the necessary support to southern countries and in particular the African ones who endure the most of the climate change phenomenon The most important part of the political will is that the king of Morocco is one of the biggest supporters of climate change policy He has given multiple speeches urging for climate change policy and has been integral in creating new policies as well as reassuring the doubters Conclusion Kingdon's three streams framework shows exactly how the right time period in Morocco shaped a policy window that may be extremely useful in terms of global success in climate change Policy windows are created from three different areas Policy change occurs at favorable moments when policy problems are apparent policy solutions are available and political will is in place Moroccans previously endured droughts and other phenomena that are likely caused by climate change Moroccans have also been vital in international climate change policy as well as creating solutions in their own country With climate change on the top of their agenda Morocco has become a very unlikely role model for climate change policy and change

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