302Thelle Basalisco 2013 examined the benefits of using Broadband Unbundling in the US today which was used by EU a long time before Unbundling refers to provide local asses loop to rival companies The FCC and U S court has denied this issue in 2003 and adopted narrowband unbundling This allows U S and EU adopting a different broadband policy where former focused on infrastructure based competition and EU on service based competition through broadband unbundling This paper mainly determined whether the Unbundling was reliable for the U S as compared to EU in the present context The EU regulators focused on facilitating the rival companies with incumbent s companies local access without developing and investing in new technology which makes difficult for incumbent companies and new entrants to change their mind of shifting from copper to fiber based since the regulation is such that new entrants or the competitors will be available access to any assets of fixed telecom incumbents This sort of unbundling and regulation has made impacts on investors to enhance or shift to fiber based for NGA infrastructure and low motivation in investment and competition
According to Yoo i U S has High Speed Access to NGA 25 Mbps which cover the whole nation around 82 which seems less in Europe of 54 ii More Fiber placement than copper fiber to the premises FTTP coverage of around 23 in the U S and only 12 in EU iii Flexible policies and competition models the U S motivating private companies and facilitating new entrants with their own investing networks whereas Europe making broadband as a public utility and promoting service based competition to provide new entrants with incumbents facilities i e unbundling at wholesale cost iv Download and Uploading speed advertisement actual speed and wholesale price is also better than Europe The U S broadband is cheaper than EU if the tiers are less than 12mbps The writer concluded that the U S regulatory approach was best to enhanced competition favoring higher facilities to the public However the author suggests simple and adaptable regulation best in fostering competition investment and broadband coverage rather than engaging and depending on only one technology