Essay Example on There's A quote by John Quincy Adams that Says









There's A quote by John Quincy Adams that says If your actions inspire other to dream learn more do more become more you are a leader There have been many controversies over what makes a leader a leader There are some people that believe a leader is simply someone that tell others what to do however that is not accurate When classified as a leader one must be able to motivate mentor coach and inspire others by showing them that they have the ability to do anything Leadership style embodies the ability to provide direction implement plans and motivate people After completing a leadership assessment quiz I learned that in providing leadership guidance to my peers with the purpose to motive and influence them I would use the Participative Leadership Style I believe I identify with this style of leadership because it is one in which the people are valued for their ideas commitment personalities input perspectives and creative ways of thinking And as a team member I would want my leader to value these attributes about me I also believe I identify with this leadership style because I believe I can use authority when needed to help my peers who don't fully understand the assignment given I also believe that in using this style it will help me interact with my team members and help me to see if any changes should be made for there to be success This style of leadership often leads to more effective and accurate decision since no leader can be an expert in all areas Input from group members creates a more complete basis for decision making 

The Participative Leadership style addresses the improvements for increasing the productivity of your team members Hypothetically if I was a manager I believe that if I were to utilize this style I would have the benefits of building trust with the employees have open communication and promote job satisfaction I believe that if most managers started practicing participative leadership they will find that there can be a smoother transition for making changes in the organization because the employees will prove to be more receptive to changes knowing that they shared in the decision making process Primarily a participative style of leadership embodies three dynamics consultative consensus and democratic In terms of being consultative it is important that you communicate with the members of your team before making conclusions on issues that concern the team As a consensus leader it is important to build trust among the team in order to encourage group discussions concerning an issue so that each decision can fully reflect the agreement and support from the members of the team Burgess Spangler 2003 Consensus leaders make sure that all members of the team are involved in making the final decision Also in terms of a democratic leader they make sure that the final decision in the decision making process is approved by everyone within the team so that everything can run smoothly and no one will feel left out In this case the group deliberates on the issues at hand collect group opinion and then cast votes in order to determine the final decision to be made Participative Leadership and Additionally the advantages of the participative style are that it operates on bases of openness which allows team members to openly state their opinions and or ideas A major advantage of participative leadership is Creativity As a result of encouraging and involving team members in the decision making process a variety of solutions are offered to resolve problems or improve productivity Democratic Leadership Definitions Examples Quotes n d This allows all kind of ideas to be presented which can lead to extraordinary results Also this leadership style enhances teamwork approach The participant style of leadership is also comfortable to people who want to get involved in the decision making process However some would say that the disadvantages of the participative style is that too much time is spent in team meetings to get issues agreed upon which can be very time consuming and also that although a participative leader allows others to contribute to the decision making process the leader ultimately has the last say What Managers 

Think of Participative Leadership 1973 Furthermore if I had to compare my participative style of leadership with another leadership style I would compare it to the autocratic leadership style The autocratic leadership style is very different from the participative leadership style even though they both ensure that every goal is reached Autocratic leaders are often described as being controlling bossy assertive or self assured They always want to hold power and be praised by their team members They confidently make decisions without being concerned or worried about their team members reaction towards the decisions They can also come off as bullies and tend to make their team members unsure of themselves unlike a participative leadership style which relies largely on members making decisions through consultation consensus and democracy to accomplish tasks and aiming to inforce self confidence and importance to every member Decisively research has shown that participative styles of leadership can increase organizational commitment Participative leadership has a strong and direct impact on team members and it assists in improvement of members performance Steven Jobs once said One of the keys to Apple is Apple s an incredibly collaborative company This alone is a great indication that using the participative style of leadership will take you places that you never believed were possible It also shows how much creativity and collaboration come into play when it comes to the growth of any company or organization In order for participative leadership to be effective it must be combined with other types of leadership behaviors such as supporting inspiring coaching informing team building and conflict management Being a leader isn't just being in charge but it s having the knowledge to know when to lead and when to lend a hand

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