414This research expected to be used as additional from various sources in teaching on the translating of realia especially about strategies Further Research The researcher expected to further researcher to learn more about the strategies The researcher suggest to conduct a research same topic but different object of study such as film music comic magazine English Department of UMM This study is expected students English Department of UMM can be useful for learning in translation Mainly about for translation realia 1 5 Scope and Limitation The scope in this study on the object that is novel Harry Potter and the Philosophers stone and this research focuses on translating at realia strategies and typology 1 6 Definition of key terms This key terms is taken from some experts are defined as follows 1 Realia is a terms used for those phenomena concepts Grit 2004 p 279 2 Translation typology culture as way of life and its manifestations peculiar to one speech community Newmark 1988 3 Translation strategy of translation involve the basic tasks of choosing the foreign text to be translated and developing a method to translate it Routledge 1998 p 240 4 Harry Potter and The Philosopher's stone is the first novel in Harry Potter series and the Author J K Rowling Prints the fifth and sixth of December 2000 Prints the seventh of June 2001 The National Library Catalogue In Publication KDT