Essay Example on This study aims to investigate the role of interactional Feedback









This study aims to investigate the role of interactional feedback TIF on student's writing ability in FL context According to Paul 2011 feedback is delivered in order to make decision for identify the error It is the informations that will be found during conversation Thus feedback will be hint when students make errors in their works of writing Moreover Yoshida 2008 stated that feedback is having important role It can help students to know how far they mastering what their teacher delivered Providing feedback on student's writing product is an essential task for both teacher and student in FL context Al Jarrah 2016 According to Bijami Kashef and Nejad 2013 in Maharani and Widhiasih 2016 feedback is considered as a dominant component in increasing student's writing ability Learning commonly requires feedback about the impact of one s action which is possible to drive learners to advance their ability DePasque and Tricomi 2015 In addition Klimova 2015 stated that feedback plays important role in developing student writing ability in order to improve the accuracy of student's writing Student is expecting the reaction from their teacher even though they hand in a piece of paper This issue has been a controversial issue for many years because many teachers in FL context underestimated the power of feedback 

A few of teachers give feedback to their students Al Jarrah 2016 These issues have mainly been an didactic and evaluative nature That is why the most popular types of feedback is corrective feedback CF Thus CF is interested in correcting the errors of student s hands which are considered as written text in the present study Abdollahifam 2014 As the first study CF is believed by some researchers L Fazio 2001 Kepner 1991 Truscott 2007 stated in Al Jarrah 2016 could be giving a harmful outcomes for learners Whereas in a recent survey Truscott 2007 in Abdollahifam 2014 claims that the best estimate is that correction has a small harmful on student's ability to write accurately The second research the impact of feedback will appear from student s response Klimova 2015 As the result of research conducted by Sawitri 2007 shows that the impact of feedback appears from student s response because feedback could make the students more interested in learning Furthermore the confidence of the students increased Then it made the student more active in learning and they feel comfortable in class Therefore following Abdollahifam 2014 the researcher interest in investigating the effectiveness Interactional feedback on student writing which is different from previous research about feedback explained by Moore and Teather 2013 that explains peer of feedback Paul 2011 that explains oral feedback and Al Jarrah 2016 that explains corrective feedback To support this research the researcher will observe 20 4th semester student in English Education Department UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung West Java Researcher observe in C class of English Education Department 

This research conducts descriptive qualitatively to verify in detail the role of TIF and student response on TIF B Research Question 1 How students perspective about the role of TIF on their writing ability 2 In what aspect of writing does TIF contribute C Research Objective Based on research question above The researcher conduct the research in aims 1 To know the perspectives of the student about the role of TIF on their writing ability 2 To know in what aspect of writing does TIF contribute D Research Limitation This research is focus on the classroom research of feedback by using TIF that could give an advance to student's writing ability The subject of this research are 20 4th semester students of C class of English educationan department E Research Benefit Significant Research In the result of the study the researcher expect that this study can be used theoretically and Practically 1 Theoretically the significance of this research is to introduce TIF Moreover this research signified to find out the advantages of TIF that can influence student's writing ability this research hopefully can enrich the previous research of feedback such as Moore and Teather 2013 that explain peer of feedback Paul 2011 that explain oral feedback and Al Jarrah 2016 that explain corrective feedback 2 Practically this research is expected to give many advantages for teachers in FL context to develop the strategy of teaching english writing in school IF could be an alternative strategy which could motivate students to write actively in english In addition the result of this research could be useful for further research a reference and evidence which is empiric F Organizational Term This study have Keywords that have a definition a Teacher Interactional Feedback TIF TIF is a type of feedback that estimated give less harmful effect than corrective feedback Abdollahifam 2014 b Student According to RI Law no 20 2003 section 1 verse 4 that stated in Min 2017 learners are members of the community who try to develop themselves through the process of education on the path ladder and certain types of education c Writing According to Pranoto 2004 9 that stated in Perdana 2014 writing means to pour thoughts into the form of writing or tell something to others through writing Writing can also be interpreted as an expression or feelings poured in the form of writing In other words through the process of writing we can communicate indirectly

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