Essay Example on Those who keep an open mind are those we call Naturals









They are not born with their talent but rather free of all self doubt and are flourishing with confidence However without the determination persistence and resilience of a grind a natural would be nothing Therefore those who grind and take their lives into their own hands will usually surpass those claiming to be naturals To begin John Locke proposes humans are born tabula rasa meaning no one has apriora knowledge Locke Not a single person is born and simply knows how to read and compose music or knows how to win a wrestling match In Locke's Essay on Human Understanding he states Let us then suppose the mind to be as we say white paper void of all characters without any ideas How comes it to be furnished Whence comes it by that vast store which the busy and boundless fancy of man has painted on it with an almost endless variety Whence has it all the materials of reason and knowledge To this I answer in one word from 

EXPERIENCE Locke Meaning every person is born a blank slate All knowledge comes from sensory tangible evidence Robert Pool a scientific writer states that practice is not enough it has to be smart practice Putting in time repeating the same efforts on repeat is not going to make you an expert at anything Pool If time is wasted daydreaming while playing the same song on the piano your skill level will remain static without question According to David Shenk the author of The Genius in All Of Us this idea of innate talent is essentially a myth that doesn't hold up to known standards in genetic science Shenk The worst enemy to creativity is self doubt Plath If one is free of self doubt prior to being introduced to a new topic they will perform as if they have innate talent Regardless of how it may seem there is no such thing as innate talent Mozart himself was simply obsessive Comparing Mozart and Salieri Salieri worked by the book whereas Mozart practiced with rage Biography com Editors He was obsessive and even displayed traits of high functioning autism He was constantly writing music or at the very least composing it in his mind Salieri did it for praise and for his definite enjoyment but Mozart did it for his sanity and expression An example closer to home would be a comparison between the women in Women's Varsity Choir and Mixed Varsity Choir They ve had the same choir teachers same voice teachers and same music But why do some women go on to Mixed before others The answer confidence Those who get into higher choirs or classes not just at Chippewa are free of any self doubt 

They get a sheet of music to learn and see it as something they are going to do whereas women who make it into Women's Varsity see it as something they are going to try to do It is not a comparison in talent as neither has any advantage over the other but instead in confidence Author Mark Twain himself has said comparison is the death of joy Researchers showed that post comparisons people experience lower self esteem and even depression The people who are indeed talented that however lack confidence are often found comparing themselves to others they see as more skilled than they are when in reality are simply insecure for no legitimate reason Most argue that young professionals such as Mozart must have had at least some innate talent due to the fact that prodigies like him accomplished things most professionals achieve in old age if they do at all However a young mind is an impressionable one and with Mozart growing up around music as well as in a somewhat broken household music became not only a coping mechanism but also a means to survival and sanity Due to the fact that his father Leopold abandoned his own job to dedicate his time to young Mozart s growth as a composer the pressure on such a young child was too much to bear Wilson Some also bring up Donald Thomas World Champion for High Jump 2007 He wasn t always a high jumper but rather a basketball player with a physical advantage

During his time of growth he was simply an exception to the rule if he could even be deemed that as he did not improve a single millimeter after winning his title Young minds have been compared to clay since the beginning of cognitive research and they have been compared justly Even Hitler knew this which is why his Nazi Propaganda was directed towards children Hitler Youth Advertisement That is the reason why some people refuse to try to learn a new language once they grow to be an adult They claim that their brain has already been hard wired to think a certain way However this is a fixed and closed mindset This prevents any and all growth in terms of knowledge This is also the type of attitude most adults have when they say they just aren t good at something It s not that they aren t good at it they just simply refuse to do something that requires the slightest amount of work even if in the long run it benefits them With a closed mindset one will accomplish nothing in life Those with an open one will find that the world is indeed at their fingertips and their fate in the palm of their hands Those who have always had an open mind are the ones often praised as naturals but that is far too rare a case for such a common word

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