Essay Example on Throughout my time at school and college undergraduate and graduate Level









Throughout my time at school and college undergraduate and graduate level mathematics has been the subject whose lessons I have relished Studying the subject at university level had served only to increase my enjoyment of it owing to the great depths to which it can be explored and the satisfaction that solving a difficult problem can give Some of my most enjoyable lessons have been the ones where I have been allowed to simply open a textbook and work independently through some enjoyable problems What I find most fascinating about Mathematics is the application of logic and analysis it allows as well as the intellectual stimulation it provides I consider Mathematics to be as rewarding as it is captivating I find with Mathematics that the harder and more challenging it gets the more I seem to enjoy it which is one of the reasons I am so keen to study it at PhD level Other reasons for embarking on a Mathematics degree include my hope that it will show me new ways to apply Mathematical thinking whilst satiating my Mathematical appetite Although I am fascinated with every area of Mathematics I have fondness for Computer Science this is because it is a discipline that allows for extensive interpretation of data forecasting outcomes as well as acute mathematical modelling I am also excited by the application to real life situations it allows Graph Theory Combinatorics Applications Algorithms Analysis Complexity Probability are few of my favorite topics I come from a lower middle class family in rural India where basic amenities like electricity and schools are scarce In a village with a single high school and no consistent teaching staff I have come a long way only due to strong determination to pursue my dream of becoming a mathematics lecturer 

My performance in academia and co curricular activities has been consistently good I have been a top ranker at both bachelors and masters level During my High School and college years I gave private tuition to underprivileged students from my neighborhood That made me realize how much I wanted to become a mathematics teacher I have Bachelor of Science degree from Miranda House University of Delhi India in majors Mathematics Computer Science and Physics During college my mathematics teacher of Group Theory used to be so impressed with my performance that I was given the responsibility of helping the juniors as well as other students of my class by addressing their queries about the subject this only made my desire to teach mathematics as a profession stronger Because of my outstanding academic track record and distinct performance in Mathematics University of Delhi awarded me with the Kasturi Memorial Prize Award Criteria Highest marks in Mathematics at the end of III year on completion of my undergraduate degree program At undergraduate level I also got the basic learnings of Computer Science During my last year in B Sc program I was selected by Wipro Technologies for a position of Software Engineer After completion of the program I started working for Wipro Technologies to overcome financial challenges in my family However this put off my plans to pursue Mathematics temporarily I was part of work integrated learning program in Wipro Technologies While pursuing MS from one of the most prestigious graduate schools in India Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani 

I got the opportunity to study the entire spectrum of computer science along with Mathematics and at the same time implement those concepts in software projects I got to work in an environment that was intensely competitive and where working on real time projects went together with theoretical learning thus laying a sound foundation for advanced research based study I have over 4 5 years of work experience with Wipro Technologies as Senior Project Engineer and 2 years of work experience with JP Morgan Chase as Quality Assurance Analyst It is my personal choice to pick the USA as the country I wish to study in I believe USA universities will provide me with the solid mathematical foundation required for me to pursue further studies in future and propel me towards my dream career of becoming a mathematician and a university lecturer Besides I am keen to learn from a different education system as well as meet up with people from all over the world I am confident that Illinois Institute of Technology will provide me a once in a lifetime experience and a world class education Overall I feel that I am a hard working and self motivated student and I look forward to harnessing this to further improve my understanding of Mathematics I am looking forward to all the academic challenges at university and know that I will make the most of my university life to pursue Mathematics in the greatest depth possible as my passion for the Mathematics is absolute

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