Essay Example on Tourette Syndrome most commonly known as TS









TS Tourette's is an inherited brain disorder that can cause uncontrollable body movements known as tics and uncontrolled vocal noises Men are three to four times more likely to get TS compared to women but all ethnic groups are affected Symptoms for Tourette Syndrome can vary from person to person and can vary in how severe it can be Research into causes of TS is ongoing but there is no known cure Conditions associated with TS include Autism learning disabilities and Asperger's syndrome Tourette syndrome TS causes people to have tics Tics are sudden twitches movements or sounds that people do repeatedly People who have tics cannot stop their body from doing these things Tourette syndrome is a genetic disorder that typically shows up between ages 2 to 15 It is caused by a change in genes that can either be inherited passed from the parents to the child or it can happen while the child is developing in the womb TS can also be caused by other disorders like Autism learning disabilities depression and anxiety Tourette syndrome can vary from person to person the most common tics are blinking your eyes repeatedly shrugging of the shoulder and blurting out unusual sounds or offensive words 

There are two types of tics simple and complex Simple tics can include head jerking mouth movements grunting and barking While complex tics can include hopping stepping in certain patterns bending twisting and repeating their own or someone else s words Tics can vary in type simple or complex frequency and severity and they can worsen if your ill stressed anxious tired or excited Studies show that TS will change over time for women the tics are far less severe in their childhood but get worse after their teen years but it is the opposite for males Tourette syndrome was discovered in 1884 and was referred to as Maladie des Tics During this time mental illnesses was thought to be caused by wrong deeds and possession by evil spirits Even to this day we do not know what causes Tourette syndrome it is an unknown and a very complex disorder Research over the years have suggested that TS results from dysregulation or malfunction in the basal ganglia this region of the brain is thought to facilitate desired actions while also inhibiting undesired or inappropriate ones such as blurting out offensive words There is currently no known test for Tourette s so the only way for doctors to diagnosis you is to look for the small signs and to look at the medical and family history When a doctor is diagnosing a patient the person must have two or more motor tics like blinking or head jerking and they have at least one vocal tic for example humming or blurting out random sounds The patient s tics must have started before they are the age of 18 years old the tics must also be for at least a year and occur frequently

 During my summer working at Camp Woodeden I got to work with many kids who had Tourette syndrome Many of them had very complex tics and weren't able to control anything that they were doing or saying One of my campers had very simple tics her eyes would blink repetitively and she had some head jerking but her tics also included saying very offensive words to anyone that was near her or would just walk by Another camper that I got to work with over the summer had both Asperger s and Tourette syndrome he was nonverbal and had both simple and very complex tics When he got excited or stressed he would start to repetitively bark when he was anxious he would start to bend and twist his body until someone would go over and calm him down and when he was tired he would start to step in certain patterns He also had a very specific routine or ritual that he would follow every morning and if someone would interrupt it his head would start to jerk and he would start to grunt and if this had every happened he would have to start his whole routine all over again

 Because he had both Asperger s and Tourette syndrome he seemed to be preoccupied clumsy uncoordinated had limited interests and lacked the ability to commutate his feeling and was unable to pick up how other people are feeling and if people did not know that he had both of these syndromes he can be seen as selfish egotistical and uncaring Tourette Syndrome is an inherited brain disorder that can be inherited from family members It is a disorder that can cause uncontrollable body movements and uncontrollable vocal noises called tics Symptoms for Tourette Syndrome can vary from person to person and can vary in type and how severe it can be Research into causes of TS is ongoing but there is no known cure or diagnosis Conditions associated with TS include Autism learning disabilities and Asperger's syndrome

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