Essay Example on Tourism is one of the World's multinational economic Activities








Tourism is one of the World's multinational economic activities Friedman 1995 Factors intervening consumer behaviour consist of cultural and economic factors but also industry related factors what the destination has to offer Lomine Edmunds 32 33 McCabe 101 Culture is a base for our values behaviour beliefs priorities and certain perceptions towards different products These characteristics compose what values of the consumer represent the way of consumer s actions Kardes et al 2008 pp 407 408 Solomon 1996 pp 537 540 Decision making is based on a cognitive process where a final choice is made by comparing and considering different alternatives In tourism it is crucial to understand what factors have an influence on consumers decisions These decisions are not only based on facts and knowledge but also feelings attitudes social status age budget and previous experiences Lomine Edmunds 43 44 Nowadays the most important areas in tourism marketing are branding consumer behaviour e marketing and strategic marketing Especially have e marketing and new technologies become more significant Tsiotsou Ratten 2010 The aim of this paper is to determine the native habits between Russian and Greek people concerning selecting a holiday destination Russia is a multinational and multicultural state and the largest country in the world Greece on the other hand it s a small nation and has a very long and remarkably rich history and culture However there are deep cultural and religious ties between the two nations The issue focused on parameters that involved in travel selection like the location and the period of travelling for both countries Finally to clarify who make the family decision

Over the last three years the Russian outbound tourism has decreased almost twice in comparison with the dramatical fell that Russians sustained since of terrorist attacks political dust ups and a collapsing of rubble Compared to many Western Countries the e market travel industry in Russia is still developing during the last year alone the Russian online travel marketing increased by 37 with all segments demonstrating growth Russian search marketing while many Russians prefer travelling in organized groups accustomed to book travel package through a tourist agency which is cheaper and includes everything like visa restriction This option is especially admired by families with kids Nerveless as internet use continues to grow Russians become more well known and cosy with individual online booking Russians used to buy most packages 2 3 weeks in advance The most effective ways of advertising towards the Russian consumer is through travel agencies online social media the word of mouth television and magazines The main Russians holidays are the first two weeks of January celebrating the New and Past year eve a favourite period craving heat during the cold winter Spring holidays from 1st to 9th of May labour and victory day and the long summer holidays with August traditionally the most popular time When choosing a travel destination Russians looking for a holiday place with the following characteristic the climate price level safety of the destination and historical and cultural attractions

Furthermore Russians have a tendency to head for destinations famous for shopping such a Dubai Italy and Paris According travelata the top destination for 2017 was Turkey after a year of Russian ban Turkey is popular because of cheap tours that are all inclusive making a holiday in exotic place with low prices The second most popular is Greece Following Greece are Cyprus Tunis and Bulgaria In the Russian culture family attend a crucial factor and effects in final decision making Greeks on the other side are typically independent travellers who enjoy organizing their own trips abroad they used to travel as couples or with friends and less with family and kids Since 2009 Greece facing a Financial crisis which has influence in economic boom and tourism hence to affect the outbound tourism Greek people become very price sensitive and thus they are searching low cost flights and better offers In the early phase of global internet growth travel agencies in Greece lost their power as Greeks choose travel agencies package in certain cases like group travelling long distance holiday which needs visa restrictions and for a few days escapades Outbound traveller s numbers increased over the past 11 years with approximately 7 2 million people travelling from Greece to international destinations in 2016 statista

The main motivators for the Greek travellers are holidays culture business trips and visiting friends and relatives Greek traveller search informations for destinations mainly from online network travel sites like tripadvisor and through travel agencies Greeks topped five favours in 2017 was Larnaca London Rome New York and Barcelona as reported by Skyscanner in which they stayed five days on average In recent years migration phenomenon in Greece has become very intense with a lot of Greek people living abroad Greek travellers choose to stay in the house of friends or relatives instead of paying a hotel room Greek travellers basic holiday season is summer from June to August also Christmas and Easter holidays mostly for ski holidays and mountain and lake holidays An ordinary habit of Greek people is to take a weekend getaway in nearby countries such as Bulgaria Despite the fact that young travellers make own decisions where to travel Family plays an important role providing directions and advices Despite the differences between the Russian and Greek travellers such us the self booking and the travel motivation there are also many similarities Both Russians and Greeks seek for affordable prices and better offers Although the price is a common aspect for both countries Russian tourists spend more money abroad than Greeks did based on previous years Another way in which Russian people is similar to Greek people are the strong family values

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