Essay Example on Trait theories have a way of considering who is a Leader









Trait theories have a way of considering who is a leader and who needs a little help to become a leader With trait theory everyone has the opportunity to be a leader even if they need a little extra knowledge and skills Within behavioral theories there are three styles autocratic democratic and laissez Faire Between these two as of right now the similarity is between trait theory and autocratic leadership These two styles work within themselves and create a strong leader with little freedom Situational theory is one where there is a give and take The leader is there to make sure the job gets done but is also able to hear input from other people Situations can change every day and a leader must be prepared for whatever is thrown their way The situational theory almost marries a democratic style of leadership in such a way that a democratic leader must be flexible to be able to increase motivation and creativity Involving team members brings out the best in them and makes them more productive not less Weiss 2015 I would follow a situational theory style of leadership because you always have to be ready for change 

There comes a time when just because it worked this way does not mean it will always work that way for everything One must always be prepared for whatever is thrown your way It may seem like an impossible task to keep changing ways of doing something but I would rather change something and make it work for one patient or one situation than to go around trying to figure out what went on the last time and trying it that way and having it not work Then the situation may have become worse because of time wasted and searching for a plan B or C There is a peer assistance program for substance abuse in Florida named the Intervention Project for Nurses It is available for nurses who admit there is a problem and they need help to reach a solution The program is voluntary and nurses do not even attend or search for such a program until they become investigated by state boards because of a tip from a concerned individual Vernarec 2001 Nurses must adhere to the time limit of the program which is anywhere from 2 to 5 years They must be an active participant in the program so it is not easy The Florida success rate for their program in around 75 or more at their last reported statistic A nurse entering a program undergoes an extensive interview and evaluation and signs an agreement that contains specific terms and conditions tailored to her impairment It is legally binding Nurses must also agree not to use non prescribed mood altering substances including drugs and alcohol Failure to comply can mean expulsion from the program and immediate disciplinary action Vernarec 2001

This program helps a nurse by maintaining confidentiality though not complete while the participant attends It also helps to protect the patients by having close supervision while on the job Most states have a program for nurses but those that do not should have nursing organizations working to start one The nursing term autonomy means acting independently I can be autonomous when doing an assessment on a patient Beneficence is doing what is right for the patient I want to be beneficent when I take care of a patient I do not want to do something that may be wrong Confidentiality is keeping a patient's information private In any healthcare setting HIPPA is the main way to keep everything confidential You do not want your patient's information to be exposed to anyone other than the healthcare team Fidelity is keeping a promise I want to maintain fidelity when I talk to a patient If I say I am going to do something I will do it for them Justice is fairness Nurses must be fair when they distribute care Care must be fairly justly and equitably distributed among a group of patients RegisteredNursing org 2018 Values is a person's standard of behavior My values may be different from someone else's but that should not keep me from giving proper care Veracity is being truthful You want to be as truthful as you can to your patient and not steer them thinking in the wrong direction If they are seriously ill you do not want to give them false hope when you know there may not be a chance Nonmaleficence is doing no harm You do not want to harm the patient you are taking care of It may be intentional or unintentional but a goal as a nurse to cause no unnecessary harm ie injections Ethical dilemma is when you must choose between doing two things One way is what you think is right and the other way is what the norm would be You are caught trying to determine what is the right way without causing harm to the situation

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