Essay Example on Trust building is an ongoing Process









According to Connell and Ferres 2003 trust building is an ongoing process which will last until the organization exists Trust is not an inherited trait but it is an earned trait In other words a person trusts another one based on his activities in the past Genetics or reputation has nothing to do with the development of trust Amazon is one company which tries to develop trust among all its employees and departments Under the leadership of its founder CEO Jeff Bezos Amazon was able to accept trust building as one of the core business functions of the company The scope of trust is not limited to the employees alone in Amazon Company The company is keen on building trust with all its stakeholders such as customers sellers employees and the communities in which the company operates According to Klidas Antonis Berg and Wilderom 2007 customer oriented culture will help a company to increase its trust with its customers Amazon is one company which considers customer satisfaction as an important thing In order to increase customer satisfaction it is necessary for the company to build the trust between the company and all its customers 

This awareness forced the company to divide the customer segment into four different categories enterprises final consumers sellers and content Robin School of Business 2012 The needs of each of these four customer segments are different That is why the company decided to divide its customers into different groups and cater their needs properly so that the company can earn their trust For example Amazon Web Services are capable of meeting the needs of the enterprises On the other hand its retail website is capable of meeting the needs of the ordinary consumers by offering low prices wide selections ease of website use etc Robin School of Business 2012 Another strategy developed by Amazon for the trust building was the invitation given to a variety of sellers to sell their products through Amazon web store This strategy was mutually beneficial as the sellers were able to exploit the brand value of Amazon and the company was able to reach much larger customer base Robin School of Business 2012 Brand value is one of the most important things that helps companies to sell their products Modern customers give first priority to the brand while taking a purchasing decision As mentioned by Uncles Dowling and Hammond 2003 branding performs the role of making the customers feel important and as the main organ of the company While allowing sellers to use the brand value of Amazon they improve their trust with Amazon It should be noted that sellers may find it difficult to attain a brand value similar to that of Amazon They are getting a shortcut to sell their product under the label of a big company Such a gesture from a multinational company MNC like Amazon would definitely improve the mutual relations between the sellers and Amazon Employees are another stakeholder who trust Amazon very much According to Henkin and Moye 2006 employees who feel empowered in their work environment tend to have higher levels of trust with their company

According to the findings of the Business Today Best Companies To Work For survey Amazon is the third most sought company in India Shashidhar 2017 The case of Amazon in other countries is also not different It is widely regarded as one of the most employee friendly companies in the world Amazon was able to earn the trust of the employees through relationship building Relationship building is accepted as the core business strategy in Amazon As mentioned by Gordon and Scott 2006 trust is a socially embedded property of relationships among people It can be earned or developed In other words the reputation alone may not help a company to catch the trust of employees For example Apple Inc is one of the most valuable company in the world However Apple s work culture is demanding and many employees have complaints about it IBS Centre for Management Research 2009 In this case the reputation of Apple Company may not help its employees to develop trust Nyhan 2000 proposed a trust based model in which the participation of the employees is possible in the decision making process Amazon has developed and implemented many strategies to build the employee trust For example Amazon has recently implemented a strategy in which the company tied the compensation and ownership in the company with its employees Robin School of Business 2012 This strategy helped Amazon very much in improving the trust of the employees in the company As mentioned by Costigan et al 2007 employees can be fully trusted and it is possible to broaden the decision making authority of those employees whenever possible Amazon has given the decision making ability to its employees up to certain extent Being the owners of the company it is possible for Amazon employees to take independent decision on certain occasions The feeling of ownership in a company would definitely help employees to improve their confidence while working in a company In most of the other companies employees have the feeling that their efforts will be benefitted only to the company since they have no ownership role in those companies At the same time Amazon employees are owners of the company and hence they develop a feeling of honour while working in the company

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