Essay Example on Turbidity is the measure of the clarity of the Liquid









It is a visual characteristic of water It causes the water to turn cloudy or opaque Clay silt algae divided inorganic and organic matter soluble colored organic compounds and many other components will cause water to become turbid In order to measure turbidity a light is shown through the water and is measured in nephelometric turbidity units A large amount of turbidity in the body of water affects light penetration and productivity in the water Plus lakes with a high concentration of turbidity can cause the lake to fill in faster When water is very cloudy it can be a sign for health concerns Turbid water can be used as food and shelter for bacteria and pathogens which if not fixed can cause waterborne diseases Water treatment plants have the ability to clean the water of turbidity properly and that then flows to everyone Dissolved oxygen is the amount of oxygen that has dissolved into the water This occurs when oxygen enters water through the atmosphere by absorption as a waste product from photosynthesis or by rapid movement A large river will most likely contain a large amount of dissolved oxygen Water hardness is the amount of dissolved calcium and magnesium in the water 

The term hard water means that there is a large amount of dissolved calcium and magnesium This causes a film of residue on your hands after you wash your hands with soap Plus it is the reason for the spots on glass cups that were in the dishwasher If you use hard water it takes more soap or detergent to get things clean Hard water can actually be a good thing as well Drinking hard water can contribute to a small amount of calcium and magnesium to the dietary needs of a human It is measured by milligrams per liter Soft is ranged from 0 to 60 mg L moderately hard is from 61 to 120 mg L 121 to 180 mg L is hard and 181 and higher is very hard When water moves through rock and soil it dissolves very small amounts of minerals and they then flow into the groundwater supply This is a major concern for water systems that use groundwater as a source Since water hardness varies on the location industries have to adapt to it by making the water they use softer because it can cause damage to the equipment they use The pH of water is an important measure of water quality measuring how acidic or basic the water is It is the measure of the relative amount of free hydrogen and hydroxyl ions in water The pH scale ranges from 0 14 with acidic being between 0 and 7 basic being from 7 to 14 and neutral being 

7 When water has more free hydrogen ions it is more acidic If it has more hydroxyl ions it is more basic pH is more of a chemical factor in water rather than visual or physical It is measured by a ten time change in the acidity or basicness of the water If the pH is three then it is ten times more acidic than water with a pH of four Solubility and biological availability of chemical components are determinants of the pH of water pH can also be used to determine if aquatic life can live in it Gravel is used in the water filtration process to filter out the large particles and small animals if there are any It is usually stones or pebbles Gravel is the first stage of the natural water filtration process Sand is the next step in the process Coarse sand is used right after the gravel to catch the large sediment that passed through the gravel Fine sand is used to catch the remaining sediments and particles Activated charcoal is carbon that has been treated to increase its absorptive power This is the last stage in the water filtration process This cleans the water of many pollutants and contaminants that passed through the other stages A large amount of sediment is brought into the water from storms and rainfall The rain carries eroded soil and debris from the area around Small clay particles and rocks as large as boulders moved by water is sediment Suspended sediment makes the water look muddy This happens more with fast moving waters like rivers than with slower moving waters When the water slows down either the sediment particles will settle at the bottom of the water or get swept away downstream by more fast moving water The positive aspect about sediment in rivers is that when it is deposited on the banks it is mineral rich which is good for farming The negative aspect is that when the rivers flood it leaves behind a lot of heavy and sticky mud Plus sediment can reduce the lifespan of dams and reservoirs The sediment flowing with the river goes into the reservoir when the river is dammed because the water moving through the reservoir is going too slow compared to the river So the sediment begins to settle and fill up the reservoir

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