Essay Example on UK National Grid Distribution System








Summarise the reasons for a three phase supply network A three phase network is a commonly used method to alternate current electric power into generation transmission and distribution Worldwide Power Grids use the system to transfer power The main reasons the three phase network was put in place is due to the fact that it has a longer lifespan than that of a one phase network A three phase network will produce 3x the power of that of a single phase network Also with the three phase you get 3 wires instead of the usual 2 wires Another reason three phase networks are used is the fact they can withstand more pressure and force For example if a turbine has a single one phase generator the probability of it being shaken to the point of disconnection due to the vibrations and torque varieties is quite high supply 2018 However a single three phase generator could handle this without any stress or problems Constant power is one of the three phase network s key features

The power is constantly delivered all while the amount of conductor material is less than a one phase network If a test was conducted for both a one phase and three phase network both networks running the same amount of power and voltage The results would show the three phase come out on top of the two In the long run the three phase network is the best option as it is more economical than a 2 wire one phase network Circuit Globe 2018 b Use diagrams to show the voltages at all significant parts of the system from generation through to end user and briefly explain the reason for the voltages used Fig 1 En wikipedia org 2018 Consumers get electricity through power stations Wires and cables within the National Grid are used to transfer electricity from power stations Energy is lost as heat when electricity is transferred through wires and cables Bbc co uk 2018 The National Grid try to must keep a low flowing current to avoid losing more heat The more heat is lost the higher the current gets A high voltage is needed to be able to transfer such a low current through cables and wires and to keep the amount of energy from escaping as heat to a minimum For example Power stations produce electricity at 25 000V Electricity is sent through the National Grid cables at 400 000V 275 000V and 132 000V Bbc co uk 2018 Power stations use step up transformers as they can create the extremely high voltages that are needed to transmit electricity through power lines Another transformer is used to dramatically reduce the voltage before it enters an average household This is done through a step down transformer which is the last process before a safe voltage of 230V is distributed into each household c Explain how the grid frequency changes and is maintained within its limits The National Grid changes frequency to be able to safely control the amount of voltage and current going through the grid all the time 

To do this it splits up into different sections within the process from getting electricity from the power station to homes and houses This is done through transformers step up transformers and step down transformers The National Grid use a step up transformer to transfer electricity at 400 000V 275 000V and 132 000V Bbc co uk 2018 They do this to be able to transfer a lot of electricity at once With the voltage being so high the current can be increased as well Once it has been transferred through the cables and wires it then reaches another transformer This one now downgrades the voltage to a safer limit of 230V Once this has been transferred from a maximum of 4000 000V right down to 230V it can now be sent into individual homes and apartments The reason they have limits for each section is to ensure that the equipment used is able to control the high voltage effectively without disruption SUPPLY W Why do we need 3 phase power supply In text supply 2018 Your Bibliography supply W 2018 Why do we need 3 phase power supply online Electronics stackexchange com Available at https electronics stackexchange com questions 134226 why do we need 3 phase power supply Accessed 19 Jan 2018 Please enable flash to have the best experience Check for grammar ADVANTAGES OF 3 PHASE OVER SINGLE PHASE SYSTEM CIRCUIT GLOBE In text Circuit Globe 2018 Your Bibliography Circuit Globe 2018 Advantages of 3 Phase Over Single Phase System Circuit Globe online Available at https circuitglobe com advantages of 3 phase over single phase system html Accessed 19 Jan 2018 Please enable flash to have the best experience Check for grammar ELECTRIC POWER TRANSMISSION In text En wikipedia org 2018 Your Bibliography En wikipedia org 2018 Electric power transmission online Available at https en wikipedia org wiki Electric_power_transmission Accessed 19 Jan 2018 Please enable flash to have the best experience Check for grammar BBC GCSE BITESIZE THE NATIONAL GRID In text Bbc co uk 2018 Your Bibliography Bbc co uk 2018 BBC GCSE Bitesize The National Grid online Available at http www bbc co uk schools gcsebitesize science aqa_pre_2011 energy using_electricityrev1 shtml Accessed 19 Jan 2018 Please enable flash to have the best experience Check for grammar

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