Essay Example on United States Northerners and Southerners disputed due to several political reasons








As the Civil War began in 1861 the United States Northerners and Southerners disputed due to several political reasons including but not entirely subject to slavery Although slavery was known to be a great cause of the War it wasn t the central basis Early in the Civil War Northern Unionists rivaled against the Confederate South hoping to preserve the Union and ensure it remained intact Meanwhile the South fought to preserve their inviolable states rights which included slavery and promote westward expansion of slavery However the focus and course of the Civil War shifted as it progressed African Americans shaped the course of the Civil War as the Union recognized their usefulness and possible contributions to its cause African Americans had also shaped the consequences following the War as they demanded equality and suffrage realizing very little had changed regarding equality Meanwhile their social situation slightly improved in the North African Americans shaped the course of the Civil War as Northern Unionists began to recognize their potential assistance in the rebellion Early in the war thousands of slaves fled north to Union borders seeking protection from the Confederate South They sought to escape forced labor including building river fortifications by the Confederates This in return made the federal government confront the issue of slavery One proposition that was made by Benjamin Butler was Contraband of War Document A This insisted that African Americans could contribute to the Union in several useful capacities and marked a point where African Americans shaped the course of the Civil War Free Blacks declared by Lincolns Emancipation Proclamation altered the course of the War as they willingly participated in the military dug up trenches and became cooks and servants in favor of the Union since the call of our suffering country is too loud and imperative to be unheeded Document B

They were loyal to their country and couldn t just watch the Civil War destroy it without engaging in it themselves African Americans were so dedicated to the cause of the Union and willingly participated in the military despite their mistreatment in the past making it a fundamental objective of the Republican Party to terminate and forever prohibit the existence of slavery Document D As depicted in document C Lincoln began to recognize the African Americans efforts in assisting the Union in the Civil War while risking their own lives for the northerners and declared that he was now steadfast on the Emancipation of slaves African Americans had altered the course of the Civil war because they were now not only fighting for the cause of preserving the Union but also their freedom Evidently this influenced even more African American participation in the Unionist Civil War as they hoped to earn their freedom and equality African Americans shaped the consequences of the Civil War as they demanded their equality and suffrage Very few social political adjustments were made following the war contrary to what they had anticipated Although they participated in the Civil War in the favor of the Union and hoped to earn their freedom and equality mistreatment and discrimination continued in addition to the 13th Amendment Whites still considered Blacks to be property even after they and been emancipated and the 13 amendment had been passed Several African Americans such as Rebecca Parsons faced great difficulty when becoming free and attempting to establish a normal life Rebecca Parson s children were nevertheless treated as property as her former master demanded that she pay a fee of 4 000 for her children Document I People of color especially black troops continued to be discriminated proving that the South hadn t changed as much as the North believed Many similar to Lady Liberty in document G believed that African Americans should be granted equality and suffrage as they sacrificed a great deal for the war effort depicted by the African American war veteran who lost his leg standing in crutches

In August 1865 African Americans shaped the consequences of the Civil War at convention in Virginia demanding as citizens suffrage and equality Document H Eventually with enough pressure the 14th and 15th amendments to the United States Constitution were passed African Americans altered the consequences following the Civil War as the 14th and 15th amendments were passed which ensured Black male suffrage and equality of protection before the law African Americans shaped the course and consequences of the Civil War as their social conditions began to improve in the North In July 1863 during the Civil War the perspectives of Northern Whites towards African Americans began to evolve especially for Black troops of the Rebellion Within a number of months African Americans and the Northern Whites endured a great social change as Blacks were beginning to be admired and greatly appreciated in the North African Americans shaped the course of the Civil War as they made the transition from being massacred on sight to essentially admired by the Northern Whites of New York for engaging in the Unionist Civil War Document F They also shaped the consequences following the Civil War as many became eager to obtain education from New England Women such as Charlotte Forten Document E Ultimately as the Civil War Began it was focused preserving the Union and the confederated preserving their inalienable states rights However as the war progressed the there was a shift which focused more on slavery African Americans of the United States shaped the course and consequences of the Civil War This was because Northern Unionists began to recognize their potential useful capabilities that could assist them during the Rebellion This also included their demands for equality and suffrage and improvements to their social conditions

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