Essay Example on Visual Analysis.The definition of beautiful









Visual Analysis The definition of beautiful can vary person to person but not so much in the beauty industry In the beauty industry many companies promise to enhance their consumers aesthetic by presenting idealized images of what s considered most valued or beautiful More times than many the beauty industry fails to incorporate a fair representation of women including various sizes shapes and complexions Fueled by modern advertisers many women are fed insecurities by manipulative marketing tactics that psychologically takeover one s mindset Dove a personal care brand was recently tangled in controversy over their Visible Care body wash for its racist suggestions In the ad shows three women standing side by side in front of a wall split into before and after panels The women lined up become gradually lighter in skin tone from left to right To add on race changes as well starting with a black woman to the far left a Latino woman in the middle and a white woman on the right Since these women are placed under a before and after labeling the meaning behind this becomes very questionable The darker toned women standing under the label before can be seen as an unwanted skin tone compared to the lighter toned women standing under the label after as if white skin should be acquired 

The text at the bottom of the ad reads Visibly more beautiful skin from the most unexpected of places your shower eluding to whiter skin being more beautiful than darker skin After being criticized multiple times for this very insensitive ad Dove issued a statement claiming All three women are intended to demonstrate the after product benefit We do not condone any activity or imagery that intentionally insults any audience Nolan Hamilton Dove Body Wash Strong Enough to Turn a Black Woman White Gawker N p n d Web 26 Jan 2018 http gawker com 5804724 dove body wash strong enough to turn a black woman white Sadly Dove soon after has released another ad on Facebook similarly suggesting racism The offensive ad showed a black woman suddenly turning white after using its body lotion Once again the company received lots of backlash especially from social media users Dove immediately deleted the post and issued a statement stating An image we recently posted on Facebook missed the mark in representing women of color thoughtfully We deeply regret the offense it caused It appears Dove keeps missing the mark and has a stigma of darker skin being dirty compared to lighter skin in comparison Unilever which is owns Dove has also had its fair share of racism in its history Take Unilever s Fair Lovely cream which was created in the 1970s when a scientist in its India operations discovered vitamin B3 could lighten skin color 

The product s advertisements have often depicted women with darker skin tones losing out on the man they love or the job they seek until they lighten their skin with Fair Lovely Picchi Aimee Dove Ad Isn t Only Racial Problem for Parent Company Unilever CBS News CBS Interactive 10 Oct 2017 Web 26 Jan 2018 https www cbsnews com news dove ad isnt only racial problem for unilever Unfortunately Unilever s product isn t the only skin care product to be marketed in this way Many countries blatantly use fair skin as a symbol of status wealth and beauty Koreans will walk around with ajumma visors hats arm covers and every skin lightening cream that has 15 SPF built into it Koreans will walk around with ajumma visors hats arm covers and every skin lightening cream that has 15 SPF built into it Rajvanshi Khyati Who s Beautiful How Beauty Is Defined around the World The Indian Express N p 11 Aug 2015 Web 26 Jan 2018 http indianexpress com article lifestyle fashion whos beautiful how beauty is defined around the world Similarly in India women are discouraged to sit out in the sun especially since there are ads that show women gain more success after using fairness cream thus implementing the idea that life is tough if you are dark skinned Rajvanshi Khyati Who s Beautiful How Beauty Is Defined around the World 

The Indian Express N p 11 Aug 2015 Web 26 Jan 2018 http indianexpress com article lifestyle fashion whos beautiful how beauty is defined around the world With lighter skin being glorified in numerous countries around the world it causes a huge negative effect that becomes a generational mindset The stereotype of lighter skin being more valued than darker skin causes extreme insecurities This is mostly due to advertisers working off the premise that all consumers believe they must achieve the level of perfection shown by the models in the ads Blog A Revealing Look At Beauty Advertising N p n d Web 26 Jan 2018 https www artinstitutes edu about blog a revealing look at beauty advertising The beauty industry has a huge grip on what people consider attractive and many need to be aware of these manipulative measures New research reveals American women spend nearly a quarter of a million dollars on their appearance in their lifetime Swns Vanity Costs American Women Nearly a Quarter of a Million Dollars New York Post New York Post 06 July 2017 Web 26 Jan 2018 https nypost com 2017 07 06 vanity costs american women nearly a quarter of a million dollars With such high rates of consumption it s mind boggling to know how influential the beauty industry can be Skin color race and complexion shouldn t define one s beauty

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